We Asked, They Answered... Ten Times Over (Bonus)

Between the holidays and, er, an infection of the... novel variety, we've been pushed back from doing interviews and scheduled episodes. To absolutely and blatantly misquote Rakim, "it's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you / without a karaoke podcast to step to" so, to make up for the delay, we're releasing this bonus episode. If you've never listened before, it'll give you both a taste of the tone of the show and one of its most popular segments. If you've already been with us, stroll down memory lane with us as we collect (and slightly re-edit) the first ten "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" quickfire segments:
- Episode 1: Zachary Mattis (2:47)
- Episode 2: Christopher Price (4:05)
- Episode 3: Ben Dumm (10:43)
- Episode 4: Jonathan Barnes (17:37)
- Episode 5: Chris Smith (23:37)
- Episode 6: Jess Demaio (30:03)
- Episode 7: Thomas the Red (36:50)
- Episode 8: Gabe and Leigh Cetra (46:19)
- Episode 9: Garvaundo Hamilton (52:39)
- Episode 10: Mara Wilson (59:13)
There will be more bonus episodes to follow (obviously, we have ten more quickfires to post), and we'll resume all new interviews, trivia challenges, and that sweet, sweet karaoke discussion later this month.
As always, you can find more info on the website (https://www.sungpoorly.com), and on social media–the show is @sungpoorly on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and now even Tiktok. You can reach Adam and Ed via email by sending a message to sungpoorly@gmail.com. The discussion continues at The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) Podcast Facebook group.
Theme song: "Gasoline" by Ben Dumm and the Deviants. Make sure to check out Ben's newest music at The Ben Dumm 3.