Kind of Creative, But Mainly Just a Mess: Answering the question "is karaoke punk?" with Johnny Marriott of Pet Needs

While their tastes in punk rock are a little different, punk is a genre that Adam and Ed both adore. This week, The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) tackles a weighty question: is karaoke, in a way, kind of punk? The Karaoke Trivia Bullpen focuses on punk music, as does Adam and Ed’s conversation on that heady question, as well as their favorite punk songs to do at karaoke, and suggestions for those who want to bring that punk rock energy to their own karaoke performances.
Why this genre-heavy topic? Well, during Frank Turner’s tour this summer, Ed got introduced to the music of Pet Needs, one of the tour’s opening acts, and instantly became a fan of the band’s pulse-pounding performance style and witty lyrics. He got to talking with Johnny Marriott, lead singer and musician from the band, and it turns out he has a lot of karaoke experience, ranging from doing it at home with family to wild stag parties and questing for extra drink tokens. They talk about the similarities of punk ideology and karaoke, his new album, Primetime Entertainment, and the fascination with America’s yellow school buses.
Do Adam and Ed sometimes just use the show for a chance to talk to musicians whose work they like? Yes, but only if they’ve got some love of and appreciation for karaoke.
As always, you can find more info on the website (, and on social media--the show is @sungpoorly on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and now even Tiktok. You can reach Adam and Ed via email by sending a message to And if you want to support the podcast and snag yourself some great karaoke and podcast swag doing it, our store has all of that and more– And our brand-new Patreon also has things!
Theme song: "Gasoline" by Ben Dumm and the Deviants. Make sure to check out Ben's newest music at The Ben Dumm 3. Midroll promo for I’m a Sophisticate and So Can You.
Formed by brothers George and Johnny Marriott, PET NEEDS are a punk-fuelled melodic rock four-piece from Colchester, UK. Their debut album ‘Fractured Party Music’ out now on Xtra Mile Recordings was produced by Tom Donovan and mixed and mastered by friend and fan Frank Turner. Their next album, “Primetime Entertainment,” releases 9 September 2022, and can be pre-ordered or purchased at this link. Web site: Pet Needs | The Official Website ( • Instagram: @wearepetneeds • Facebook: wearepetneeds • Twitter: @wearepetneeds
Kind of Creative, but Mainly Just a Mess: Answering the Question "Is karaoke punk?" with Johnny Marriott of Pet Needs
Adam Wainwright: Hello and welcome back to "The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)," the podcast that takes karaoke. Exactly as seriously as it should be taken. I'm your karaoke host that definitely wants to be sedated, Adam Wainwright
Ed Cunard: And I'm your cohost, who's all into anarchy in both the UK and here I'm Ed Cunard.
Adam Wainwright: Yeah, anarchy. I support it, Ed. Your thoughts?
Ed Cunard: It doesn't matter if you've supported or not anarchy.
Adam Wainwright: uh, I'm glad to see we've embodied anarchy right at the top and seeking of anarchy, Ed, I think we're about to launch a little anarchy into the internet podcast space with this announcement. Do you wanna bring it to the people?
Ed Cunard: Well, actually, I think we're announcing capitalism into it. we've officially, as of this episode, launched our Patreon membership because friend of the show, Ben Dumm gave us the license to turn our theme song his song "Gasoline" into an actual, honest to goodness karaoke track. And that was the thing that we were waiting on because that was the real reason we wanted to launch it.
So, Hey, for 10 bucks a month on that tier or any other one's higher than that, you could have your own karaoke copy of "Gasoline" by Ben Dumm & the Deviants for your karaoke nights or your home karaoke.
Adam Wainwright: So if I wanted to sign up and, you know, give $10, $3, uh, $250 a month. Uh, how would I do that? What's what's the website. I can go visit.
Ed Cunard: You can either find the link on our website, sung or just navigate to poorly because we are sung poorly fucking everywhere.
Adam Wainwright: And I just wanna be very clear that do give us, like, do subscribe to the Patreon. Don't subscribe to the Patreon. You can still count on your second favorite karaoke podcast to be out here in the internet space every two weeks, bringing you that high quality content and segments that you love and deserve.
And speaking of one of those segments, I just wanna hop right into it. If that's okay with you.
Ed Cunard: By all means.
Adam Wainwright: Okay. Let's, let's take on a trip on down to the karaoke trivia bullpen with me, then come on, come on down, come on down the street to the karaoke trivia bullpen. What's that you say new listener? Well, here's what it is.
Now, let me tell you a new listener. What you're gonna get. I'm gonna ask ed five trivia questions based on the episodes topic, which today just happens to be punk, with varying degrees of difficulty, some of them gonna be easy. Some of them are gonna be hard. Some of them are going to be impossible, but each question today is worth one point.
So the top score for any round is five points. If ed gets stuck. He can be like, Hey, I'm stuck. Help me out. And I'll give him a little clue, nudge him in the right direction to, you know, hopefully get him that point. Now, even if ed totally screws the pooch, gets every question wrong. He can still get all five points by answering the impossible question correctly.
Cuz you get all five points. If you answer it correctly. remember though, if Ed's like, I don't need your hints. Hints, hints. Answer for the, for the week. He can't use it on impossible question. No matter how much he may be begging for it. So ed, are you ready to beg for it and play a little punk rock karaoke tribute with me.
Ed Cunard: Let's get into this mosh pit, Adam.
Adam Wainwright: You wanna get into the trivia mosh pit ed, I, I just wanna express something to you Another trivia podcast show. If you get stuck on one, just ask me where go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why it's all questions. There's no lesson learned. Time it's something called me that we do, but in it, it's our punk.
And that was it. That was
it right there
Ed Cunard: I actually lost my bet with myself.
Adam Wainwright: what was your bet with yourself?
Ed Cunard: I thought it was gonna be only five only five questions to go. I'm gonna do some trivia.
Adam Wainwright: No, no, no, no, no, no. I was now I wasn't gonna get that complicated. Besides green day is one of my favorite bands. So I, I wanted to bring green day into the equation, even if that's not my favorite green day song, it felt like it was the Easiest to convert into something corny and wonderful to bring to this show.
All right, ed. Question number one often cited as one of the most influential bands of the punk rock movement. This American rock band formed in New York city in 1971. They never achieved much commercial success, partly because their original lineup fell apart so quickly. Their first two albums, one of which is "Too Much Too Soon," quickly became one of the most popular cult records in rock the lineup at the time consisted of David, Joe Hansen, Johnny thunders, Arthur Keane, and Sylvane Sylvane and Jerry Nolan. Name this legendary band that in many ways spurred the punk rock movement.
Ed Cunard: That's the New York Dolls.
Adam Wainwright: That is the New York Dolls. that's one for one you're off to a blazing start. So let's blaze on the question. Number two. let's talk about the origin of a word for a second.
Ed Cunard: the etymology
Adam Wainwright: the etymology, that word. Yeah. We're not gonna get into the etymology of emo. No. Okay. You get it.
You get it. Okay.. Between the late 16th and the 18th centuries punk was a common course, synonym for prostitute. Now the term eventually came to this, grab a young male hustler, a gangster hood or a ruffian, but William Shakespeare. My boy, used it with the meaning of a prostitute in a couple of his plays.
One was "The Merry Wives of Windsor.". And the other was a play features, characters, , Vincenzio, Angelo Aeschalus Claudio and Lucio who used punk in this way in the place fifth act by Lord. She may be a punk for many of them are neither made widow nor wife. Now name this play that centers around fate of Claudio. Who's arrested by Lord Angelo, the temporary leader of Vienna..
Ed Cunard: Was really expecting punk music for this, but I actually, I, is it "Measure for Measure?"
Adam Wainwright: It is "Measure for Measure." Well done, Ed. I wanted to throw a little curve ball in there. Anytime I can work Shakespeare into something. It just lent itself to me when I started looking at the etymology of like punk. Okay. We're gonna, we're gonna keep this one brief and I think it's appropriate for the question.
This singer is widely considered the godfather punk and was the lead singer and songwriter of the Stooges, an important proto punk being founded in 1967. They dissolved after almost 50 years in 2016 after the death of band member, Scott, Ashton, and Steve McKay named this legendary punk
Ed Cunard: That's like, that's Iggy Pop..
Adam Wainwright: That's Iggy Pop for sure.
Question number four Green Day is perhaps the most recognizable punk pop band of our generation. I hesitate to say the quintessential pop punk band, because progenitors such as the Ramones, the undertones, the buzz Cox, the descendants, the misfits bad religion, you get the point. I wanna talk about green day cuz they're one of my favorite bands.
So the trio consisting of Billy Joe Armstrong, Mike D and Trey cool have been active since 1987 and well, well before they found commercial success with albums like Nimrod, Dookie, Kerplunk, and American Idiot. Now before the fame, before the fortune, before Trey cool was the drummer. They released their debut album on April 13th, 1990, and it sold a whopping 3000 copies ed.
Name that album.
Ed Cunard: Slappy
Adam Wainwright: It is not sloppy. That's a good guess though. Slappy was part of a compilation. They put together a couple years. Like I think you're thinking about slap Patty idiots, like 39,000 slap happy idiots. Their original album was a compilation of Slappy and an album called 39. Smooth
Ed Cunard: Well,
Adam Wainwright: was their original debut album.
But Slappy was a great guess actually. And, and I think you're gonna get four for five of this. I really do. So cuz I'm gonna hit question number five and I feel good that you're gonna get this. this group is often healed as a Washington DC legend and began as a jazz fusion group in 1975, but two years later, punk hit and they changed their sound.
They're one of the few African American groups in the CBGB scene, but within a short time, their sound evolved even more and they embrace everything from soul to reggae, to heavy metal. They're one of the great 1970s punk bands, and they influence punk rock from coast, the coast. They're one of the few punk bands that really.
Influence extended well beyond their scene. So they continue to tour actually with their original lineup. And they're currently working on their ninth studio album. Ed what's the.
Ed Cunard: Bad brains.
Adam Wainwright: It's bad brains. Yeah. 100%. I bad brains are rad as shit okay. Four for five. You did great ed. I thought you do solid when I led you down here.
Uh, I tried to, I, I put that green day question and I made that shit as hard as possible. Cause I thought you were gonna do well at the rest of it. But you know, what's the toughest question I'm gonna ask
Ed Cunard: Probably the impossible bonus.
Adam Wainwright: it is gonna be the impossible bonus. So let's, let's talk about this for a little bit. These impossible bonuses, shit.
The things you have to like you throw out there just to make sure the other person doesn't get it. It's great. So I looked up a list of the top punk songs of all time. Want the consequence.Net. I like the reporting. I like the way they, it broke this down and they had this to say about it's number one.
It's incredible to think about the impact, the Sex Pistols made considering they only released one proper studio album in their legendary career, but "Nevermind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols" puts most other band's greatest hits albums to shame. It's all killer. No filler. And the album centerpiece is "Anarchy in the UK,", an uncompromising track embodying the spirit of punk rock, perhaps like no other song, giving a voice to a young generation that felt disenfranchised by its own country.
Not to mention that's a musical tour de force with Johnny Rotten's biting vocals cutting through one punk's most arrhythmic guitar riff one individual close to the band, considered the song "a call to arms to the kids who believed that rock and roll was taken away from them. It's a sentiment of self rule of ultimate independence. " Name the individual that said that quote, Ed.
Ed Cunard: I'm probably gonna get this wrong, but there's a chance. There's a chance. So Malcolm McLaren,
Adam Wainwright: It is.
Ed Cunard: fucking a, are you serious? Yeah,
Adam Wainwright: That's Malcolm Maclaren
Ed Cunard: that's the first time we got a, uh,
Adam Wainwright: impossible question. I didn't think there was any way in the world. You were going to guess you would know the band manager for the Sex Pistols.
Ed Cunard: It's knowing enough of the history of the sex pistols to, uh, yeah. And I was like, I was
Adam Wainwright: thing right there.
Ed Cunard: yeah. Wow.
Adam Wainwright: I picked the wrong thing. Yeah, you got all five.
Ed Cunard: I'm like all like glowing
Adam Wainwright: You are glowing. It's you can see it. It's not just the heat or the baldness or anything like that. You're glowing. That's amazing.
Ed Cunard: Yeah. But
Adam Wainwright: believe you pulled that name outta your ass. That was great. Well done, sir. I clap to you.
Okay. You got the impossible question. You got five outta five now let's settle. I, but I wanna talk about our, our mean topic today.
Cause I, I have thoughts. Once in a while and I'm gonna express them. Cause what the fuck else am I gonna do on this podcast?
Ed Cunard: Exactly.
Adam Wainwright: Bring us into it, ed, what are we?
Ed Cunard: well, since we're talking to Johnny Marriott of Pet Needs, my new favorite punk band after they opened for Frank Turner on tour this summer. We're just gonna talk about. Is karaoke punk in a sense what punk songs we've done at karaoke and some great punk songs to do for karaoke.
So, Adam, I'm gonna ask you is karaoke punk.
Adam Wainwright: I I lean towards, no, I think it, I think there's elements of it that are, are, would be punk. And what I understand is the definition of punk. So let me, let me explain kind of my history with punk music. Cause I think there needs to be context with our opinions, or else it's just spitting into the fucking wind.
And I don't like doing that. So my context with punk is this. I grew up listening to pop punk or alt punk alternative is basically my era. So my introduction to punk was Green Day. It was Blink 182. It was The Offspring, and it was bands like that around that alternative punk movement in, I would say the late nineties, mid nineties, really what I catched on my mom actually subscribed to like those penny CDUs that she used to.
So she used to order CDs and I used to just listen to CDs that came in and Green Day's Nimrod album was one of the first things that I listened to that really had me diving into the alternative punk scene. So that's kind of my history with it. And I never really studied outside of that alternative phase.
It's kind of what I lived in. Until last year I took a class where I learned a little bit about the LA punk movement. So I learned a little bit about Bad Religion, the Descendants and Agent Orange and what it meant and kind of like the foundations behind it and what it meant. How it held its place in our culture, what the punk movement meant in our culture, especially in the, you know, the late seventies, early eighties, like right in that era.
And I, I think to look at karaoke and say, it's punk rock would be. Yeah, I don't, I, I just don't think it, a lot of it is. I think somebody can channel punk, rock energy through karaoke and I, but I think it's something different. I think the nature of karaoke is following. The rules and following order and following, stepping in line and waiting your turn and then clapping because that's the polite thing to do.
And, I, I think punk it's when you're up on stage and you get a chance to really express yourself, however you feel like, I feel like there's a punk rock energy to that, but the entire concept of karaoke, I don't think is punk rock.
Ed Cunard: Okay. I think that's fair. , I also don't think it is punk rock itself. I, I do think it does share some things with punk ethos. I it's very much a DIY thing in terms of how you get up and just do stuff, whether you're formally trained or not, that kind of thing doesn't matter so much for karaoke.
Although some people really do kind of emphasize that in their karaoke performances. And I'm not saying like singing a Celine Dion song is a fucking punk exercise, unless, you know, you're a six foot five Viking comedian doing Celine Dion while swinging a broad sword in a bar, which I've seen happen. shout out to Thomas the red, previous guest on the show
But the thing with it too, is like, if you. Have ever been to a, like a real punk show. There is also like another kind of similarity in that. Like, they're just the friendliest fucking people, despite, you know, what anybody from the outside looking in might think like mosh pits actually are kind of friendly. Punk shows are friendly and a good karaoke night does have the same vibe.
Adam Wainwright: It can. And once again, I, I think this really just ties into what your history of punk is though. Like, yes, you go to a Frank Turner concert, you go to a, you know, Flogging Molly concert right now, those, those are friendly mosh pits. But I mean, if you really look at some of what these, underground performances and these dive performances, where are the bands in the late seventies, early eighties were performing, like those were not friendly, mosh pits.
Those were, those were not, those were. Violent like the band's at risk. Everybody is at risk. You step foot in there, but it was, it held an important place in society. It was a place where, you could express against the conformity that society was pressing on you as the development of the suburbs became a thing.
And not that they, middle class, suburban white boys need a place necessarily to express themselves, but it was there a way to express male angst and kind of push back against the society that they were being forced into, that they didn't want the family, they didn't want the home.
They didn't want everything that society was telling them they should want, and they didn't have an outlet for it. And punk rock emerged because of that angst. It emerged because of the pushback against society. Yeah, I, I think the evolution of punk has happened a lot But I think like anything it's context, it's your own personal experiences.
And these opinions are just really shaped by our own personal experiences. Because I agree, I think the do it yourself attitude is really align with a lot of what I understand to be punk values. I think making should happen on stage, it's a chance to get on stage and express something and that maybe push them back against what societal norms are.
And that's a beautiful thing.
Ed Cunard: Speaking on getting on stage and expressing something. What punk rock songs have you done at karaoke?
Adam Wainwright: I, I mean, I I've done some Green Day at karaoke, just kind of across the spectrum. Like I, I love American Idiot. I love 21st century breakdown. I like a lot of their earliest stuff off Dookie and Nimrod. So anytime I get a chance to sing green day, I'll dive in some green day. I also happen to love like, uh, The Ramones in general.
So I've sung. I wanna be sedated. I, I would love to sing, you know, a little bit more of their lineup if I could get into it too. I, I don't do a ton of, of punk rock. I've done the Pogues, which I would consider punk rock. yeah. Uh, at karaoke, I would love to see more Pogues I do. I love the fucking Pogues and like the shit that you get at karaoke is the shit that you heard in, like what, what was the movie with Hillary Swank?.
Ed Cunard: PS I LOVE YOU
Adam Wainwright: PS I LOVE YOU. Were they singing at the bar? Like they sing,
fairy tale of New York at the bar. Yeah. That's the introduction. Most people know of the Pogues. And if you haven't listen, don't just listen to the Pogues first and then go watch an interview with their lead singer, Shane McGowan.
And if you can understand a fucking word, he says in that interview, I, I will bring you on as a guest in this show. So you can explain to me how to interpret anything that dude says, cuz he was so drugged out that you couldn't understand a damn word he said in interview. So as soon as you can put a mic in front of his face and said sing, that dude was on his shit. And I love it's one of the things I love about punk. It's like, it's so expressive. So I feel like when I get the chance to do a karaoke, it's, it's a chance to be expressive and let a different part of me come out and be honest with the audience. So my background is really with, , it's, it's the Ramones it's Green Day, it's Blink 182 ed.
How about you?
Ed Cunard: I've done so much. I mean, I love doing the Clash. I love doing the Sex Pistols, even though I'm not a big Sex Pistols fan doing "Anarchy in the UK" is just a lot of fun to do. I've definitely done some Flogging molly. I think we both have, we both done drunken
Adam Wainwright: We we've both. I've done some other flogging Mo that's my fav
Ed Cunard: and I did, and I did so poorly at if I ever leave this world alive, cuz I, I tried to hit the notes and we all know that I can't do that.
I, you know that my go-to when I'm feeling like a saucy dickhead is "Punk Rock Girl" by the Dead Milkmen, because anytime I'm forced to enter a karaoke contest, I use that one. I've tried some Frank Turner to mixed results. I've uh, uh, Trying to
Adam Wainwright: That is going through the 1,700 like songs. He sung at karaoke right
now, like systematically.
I actually watched his eyes roll back into his head right there for a second as he was computing. Cuz he remembers every name of every. Person and everything he does. So, ed, what does your computer tell you? What, what did your computer produce as another song you sung at karaoke?
Ed Cunard: I've done the Stooges. I've done Iggy pop. I've done. Jesus. I've sang a lot of karaoke songs.
Adam Wainwright: So many ed.
Ed Cunard: What do you think are some good ones that like anybody should just go and do.
Adam Wainwright: I think the Ramones are a great entry point for anybody. I think the clash is a pretty easy entry point. green day lends itself to it because, there's a lot of songs. Newer and older that you may not remember the name of, but you know, all the words to., Blink 182 is another one that's really easy.
Like as far as an entry level karaoke song, these are all songs that you, you know, the words to already, everybody else knows the words too. and they're gonna fit in just about any karaoke night. Most of 'em are somewhere between like a perfect night for a fun night.
Like perfectly fit into a fun night and perfectly fit into a melancholy night, like they're right in the middle. And so they'll fit on either one. I think almost universally. That's true.
Ed Cunard: Yeah.
Adam Wainwright: you have a list, ed? What, what's your number one? Like if somebody wants, like, I wanna send some punk rock. What, what do you, what do you think they should bring to the table?
Ed Cunard: , I honestly think that Iggy Pop's "Lust for Life" is. A near perfect karaoke song.
I think it's melodic enough that it's not just, you know, pure discordant chords. The lyrics are fun, cuz you're talking about sex, drugs and rock and roll basically. And it's not like too, too complicated to do so. It, if it's my wheelhouses pretty well.
I think green day's a safe bet for anybody. I think, I think Blink 182 "What's My Age Again" i. Everybody I've seen at a bar, loves hearing that one no matter who does it.
And, uh, you know what, "Kiss Me, I'm Shit-faced" goes over really well with the right crowd too.
Adam Wainwright: I think flag Molly is a good one too. I think "Drunken Lullabies" is always a
Ed Cunard: Oh yeah, no
Adam Wainwright: Like that's a great one. A lot of Flogging molly is like, if I ever leave this word alive, I I'm still. There there's a couple of like Flogging Molly songs that are, are out there that, I'm still waiting to get, like seven drunken piles to seven deadly sins.
What's left of the flag is what I'm waiting for. I just, if you, if you, this is a little off track, but like if you ever get a chance to Flogging Molly live, just go for just for that number. Because like, if you ever assume, wanna see. A song that has such a slow build at the beginning, and then a quick, like a perfect transition to like getting fired up.
And then another transition of losing your fucking mind. It is what's left of the flag. It starts almost like a, like a ballad and then it hits a drum 1, 2, 3, and then another guitar hits. And then it's just lose your fucking mind as the entire band comes in. It's perfect. It's a perfect. Escalation song for a concert.
Ah, God, sorry. I'm rambling now. I think it'd be a great karaoke song.
Ed Cunard: You know, what would also make pretty good karaoke songs and by pretty good, I mean, fucking great. And I think, I think we're gonna see it at some point, but, Pet Needs. Johnny Marriott our guest on this episode, I wouldn't be surprised if "Punk Isn't Dead (It's Just Up for Sale)" "Tracy Emin's Bed" or "Fear for the Whole Damn World", ends up in karaoke someday.
Adam Wainwright: I look forward to that day, cuz I will listen and sing the shit out of that song. But you know what I will love to do right now.
Ed Cunard: You'd love to listen to my interview with Johnny Marriott, right.
Adam Wainwright: I really would love to listen to your interview. For those of you don't know, Ed will be flying solo on this one. I trusted him to fly solo on this interview. I've been getting ready for a wedding and time has been short. So Ed took this one solo and I'm gonna be listening along with you. So can we just cue the guitar so I can listen?
Interview: Johnny Marriott (Pet Needs)
Ed Cunard: Talking to musicians is one of our favorite things to do on this show. When previous guests, Frank Turner did his 50 states and 50 days tour, he brought our guests along as an opening act for his band's first American tour. At the first gig I went to in silver spring, Maryland. I became a fan and at the second gig in Louisville, Kentucky, I sang along to every song. Poorly, but still. As an added bonus, it turns out he too very much likes and appreciates karaoke. Johnny Marriott of Pet Needs, welcome to The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)!
Johnny Marriott: Hey, Ed. Thank you so much for having me, man. How are you doing? Good to see you again.
Ed Cunard: so now that you're back at home and settled in, how was the tour for you guys?
Johnny Marriott: It's so weird. You could have told us that we were cuz we were out there for two months, but you could have said that we were out there for two years or out there for two weeks and I'd believe you it's so strange. It felt like some weird kind of fever dream, really, because we'd never been to America before, as a band and then to.
Do it by seeing like pretty much all of it. like all in one go, or at least a massive big chunk of it, is a big way to do it, especially because we were doing everything ourselves. So we were driving ourselves. We were tour managing ourselves, selling our own merch and everything. It was amazing, you know, like America's a big place and it's a really interesting place, but I think we got to see the best of American humanity because we were meeting people at punk shows every single day, which is really, really cool.
So we could really throw ourselves into the subculture and meet really awesome people. So it was amazing. we've been home. A week and a bit now. And we've just about got over the jet lag. We threw ourselves straight into playing shows again when we got back here. So we've not really had any downtime.
But yeah, it's it's, it was awesome. It was mind blowing and I really wanna come back, you know,
Ed Cunard: I look forward to having you guys back. It was really great meeting you guys. I love that you guys worked your own merch table and you're right. Like meeting people at a punk rock show is one of the best ways to meet people. But, you know, so is meeting people at a karaoke bar in my experience.
So what I need to know is what's your karaoke, origin story.
Johnny Marriott: So I was thinking about this. I had one story and then I was thought back to a previous story and then thought back to a previous story again. So like the first story I was gonna tell was actually when I came back, From uni and my brother George, who plays guitar in the band. he invited us down to this little village pub called the Nags Head in Ockbrook in, like near Derbyshire in the middle of England.
And I thought that was my first kind of introduction to karaoke in the corner of a British pub with everyone drinking pints that taste of the earth. And then I thought back a little bit further to when I first kind of sang karaoke and I remembered that we had the game Rock Band when we were a kid and I did some of the singing to that.
And I think that was kind of like the first time where I was singing, along to something where they had a backing track and I was singing. And then that reminded me of all the way back to when I was a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny little kid. And it was the Eve of the year, two thousands. So I was like tiny and, my uncle, who's also called Jonathan Marriott.
He bought round the karaoke machine and like back in those days, like we didn't have. Kind of like PlayStation any kind of, we had a television, but no kind of real kind of electronic kind of games or anything like that. I remember him bringing around a karaoke machine and my dad and my brother singing the song with "The Wanderer."
Dion song, the wanderer on new year's Eve of 1999. My little brother, we must have been like about three years old or something like that.
And I remember them both kind of like windmilling in the front room when they were going like around, around, around, around, around. That was the first time. And I remember. Being amazed that you, there could be songs that didn't have the words to them and that you could sing along to. And at that time as well, I was young enough to not feel self-conscious.
I was like preteen. So I hadn't got into that feeling self-conscious or feeling nervous. I remember, just absolutely throwing myself into it and really enjoying it.
Ed Cunard: That's really awesome. And actually leads into what I was gonna ask you then is if performing your own music in front of people came first, or if karaoke did, and it sounds like karaoke might have.
Johnny Marriott: Yeah, I think briefly, I think we're definitely on that one night. And then we kind of had the rock band game at home as well. But then when we were doing rock band, I think a lot of the time, like cuz I was becoming a teenager, I was becoming a bit more self-conscious I remember just going on the drums of it or going on the guitar a bit.
And then kind of doing it, like performing either karaoke or music out in public. I remember I was 16 years old when I got my first proper job that wasn't, a paper round and it was working at a record shop, MVC records and I worked. All the way across the summer. Like listening to loads of cool bands.
It's I remember it's how I got into Anti-Flag cuz someone at the record shop was really into them. And I worked for like two months straight and then got my two months worth of pay packet when I 16 years old and never had more than like a tenner to my name ever. I got this two month's worth of money.
Kind of land in my account. And straight away I went to a music shop. I bought a bass guitar, bought an amp and bought a distortion pedal. , and then three days later I'd formed a punk band. And then a week later we had our first gig. So that was kind of my first ever step into performing music in that way, I think was.
Actually performing as opposed to doing karaoke and I didn't sing in front of people, for a really long time. And then I think the first time that I actually sang properly or sang cover any kind of lead vocals was probably in the Nags Head in Ockbrook when I came back from university. And, my brother invited me out karaoke and I, Found it hard to conceptualize what karaoke was at that time.
I found it really interesting to see like what it was. Was it people having fun? Are you standing doing a performance to people? Are you performing to yourselves? Are you just having a laugh? My first experience of karaoke in front of people, I remember being.
Really nervous and feeling a little bit awkward about it. And then, I went on a stag do a few years ago and we'd gone kinda like round all the stag do, and we'd done loads of cool things. We'd been on like a trip on a boat and had loads of beers. We'd been to a comedy night and stuff, and we ended up in a karaoke bar.
It was being in that bar with kind of 12 other people and having that massive screen there and realizing that we weren't performing to anyone. We were singing two ourselves, for ourselves, everything just locked into place. And I had like one of the best nights of my life that night singing and not caring.
And then that's when it kind of all fell into me that, okay, this is what karaoke is. You don't need to be good. At all. And now I'm a kind of a professional singer. I get the, I feel pressure. I would've felt pressure to be good at singing karaoke, but now I know that it's just going and expressing yourself and having fun and having some beers.
So I actually do really, have amazing memories of doing karaoke now as well.
Ed Cunard: That's awesome. And then you're kind of living the dream of a lot of people who are really into karaoke because now you're making your own music and you're not just like touring around England, but the world. , how did you get hooked up with Frank Turner? Both for the tour and for the production of your album.
Johnny Marriott: Yeah, sure. So he came to a gig maybe, three or four years ago. It was like the year just before lockdown. There's a multi venue festival in Camden, in London called Camden Rocks and Frank Turner. He was headlining the massive electric ballroom, which is like a couple of thousand people.
And we were playing a tiny little punk bar, like a really legend kind of like small little punk bar. Just off Camden, high street. And we sent him an email and said, look, we're playing it this time. If you want to come down and check it out, I reckon you'll be into the music. And then just fired it off.
Didn't think anything of it. And then we were playing the show and about kind of like two songs in this kinda like really tall ominous figure comes through the door and we could kind of see the silhouette. And we were like, is that cause we were really big fans at the time still are. And we were. I think Frank Turner has just walked in the room to see us play and it transpired that he did.
And he came to the merch desk afterwards and we exchanged contact details. And then after that things kind of died down. We didn't really keep in touch after that. Until in the middle of lockdown, we had an email drop into our inbox, with the title of the email just said, Essex, which is the county that I live in, in England.
and I was a bit kind of like intrigued and I opened the email and it was from Frank Turner and he said,. Hey, Johnny, just to let you know, weird circumstances, but I'm gonna be kind of moving around the corner, , in, a couple of months time. And I don't really know anybody in Essex. If, when lockdowns over, you wanna meet up for a pint, just drop me a message and we'll hang out.
And then we started chatting about what we've been doing in lockdown. And one of the things that we'd been doing in lockdown, was recording an album and Frank was. Hmm. Interesting. Cuz what I've been doing is like getting into production and mixing and stuff and then one thing led to another and uh, he ended up mixing our album and then it got put out on Xtra Mile Recordings,, the label that he puts things out on as well.
And then we ended up getting the same management team as him. And then one thing led to the other and we got offered the UK tour first, and then we got offered a European tour and then we got offered an American tour and it got to the point where at the beginning of this year, we're able to leave our jobs and, just tour.
all year. Which has been great.
Ed Cunard: That's amazing. Right. ] I just can't imagine how great of an experience that must have been. I mean, you guys just traveled the world, performing your music to a whole bunch of new fans, aside from the obvious thrill of all of that. What were some of your big key takeaways from your time in the states?
Johnny Marriott: so there's things that I've. Absolutely loved. Before I used to always think before we kind of like played really big rooms, or even when we started playing really big rooms, I used to think that I preferred playing kind of like your hundred cap. Kind of venues. Even when we started doing kind of big shows in the UK where we'd go out and play like 3000 people or something I'd go, this is good.
But I still feel where our show is. The energy lies with the kind of a hundred people, but through playing more and more of the big rooms, I've realized that it's just a different energy and it's really cool. And so I enjoy now playing to 3000 people as much as I do playing in kind of like sweaty little clubs.
a tour where you are traveling for that amount of miles. Altogether all in a van, is kind of psychologically, really taxing. And even though the highs of the shows are really amazing and really awesome. And one thing kind of towards the end of the tour, we were getting.
Quite, uh, kind of psychologically, quite physically worn down because we were doing so many shows. And the places that we were staying, we were having to live really, really cheap. So we were staying in motels that had two double beds in them. And we were like, the four of us were sharing two double beds together and stuff, and we booked ourselves.
Not like a really, really posh hotel, but a place where we could all have our own beds and all have our own room just once on the tour. And it was the day that we had a day off. And it just absolutely reset us cuz we could have a good night's sleep and we could look after ourselves a bit. So one of the things we've committed to.
Going forward is if we can make it viable. If we have a day off the next day, we're gonna book somewhere slightly nicer than the worst motel or the cheapest motel. And I think another thing that we've learned is how to, healthfully, stay communicated with our partners as well when we're away, cuz all of us in relationships and , Our bass player, Rich,
he's got two little kids as well. And me and my partner, Lorna, this was the first time where we'd had such a big time difference. So we kind of, at the start found it really challenging, but we found that if we started leaving video messages for each other, so I'd leave her a video message as I went to bed that she could wake up to and then she'd leave one for me.
So I could receive it when I woke up, just made you feel that little bit more connected a little bit closer when you were that far away. Then obviously we've tour with some of the best live bands in the world as well. So we learned so much about musicianship and professionalism about fronting bands.
For me, we'd tour with Frank and learned so much from midway through Europe, but then also touring with the Bronx in America. Just taught me so much about crowd control and the psychology of crowd control. And they also. Took us under their wing as mentor figures. And were just amazing people to be around.
And we were excited to see their show every single day. Yeah, just learned so much, Ed. It was, it was just life changing it like, again, I said it could have been two weeks. Could have been two years. I do not know, but it was yeah. Amazing man.
Ed Cunard: And the Bronx had you do their after party after the Louisville gig too. And that was, a real trip to see, , going from that larger venue to that much smaller one, you know, a different vibe, but you guys killed it there too.
Johnny Marriott: Do you remember how hot it was in that room as ? I remember just sweat just drifted off me, but that was. A bit of a nuts night as well, cuz, we played and we kind of used that, , as a little bit of, , an audition of such or to kind of, to show. The Bronx who would love to tour with, again, some of our kind of heavier stuff as well.
That had more of the screamo vocals in and stuff. And then the rest of that night just kind of descended into chaos after that. And I've got a memory of, we all climbed out of the window and climbed out onto the roof. And, me and Matt from the Bronx lit fireworks from the roof.
And. English fireworks and American fireworks, I found out are very different. Like English fireworks go up a lot higher. And then the explosion is a lot smaller. Whereas American fireworks, it looks like they went about like 15 foot in the air and then did the biggest explosion, which was terrifying, exciting all in the same way.
But yeah, that was an amazing night. And what a band to tour with? Like I knew some of their stuff before, our bass player, Rich was like one of their biggest fans. But, yeah, I'm just in love with them both as a band, but also as people, they know how to tour, they've been doing it for so long and they know the music industry inside out as well.
And, , they've said like, if we ever need any kinda like guidance or any kind of help with anything, they're there to support us now. And they, yeah. They're amazing, amazing human beings. Every single one.
Ed Cunard: That's awesome. I love that for you guys. I also love that you guys were so enamored with the yellow school buses.
Johnny Marriott: Yeah, it's true. It's well, it's so weird because you. So you are fed so much American culture when you are, , in England and like, well, like the Simpsons for example, is something or something like, Friends or something like that, or like you just have American culture, just your, it feels like America feels very cool when you are like in twee little England and there's stuff that you never.
Kind of realized wasn't part of your culture, but is so kind of ingrained in American culture and our, drummer Jack, when he said there's a yellow school bus, like on the Simpsons, which he did, he kinda like, we landed in the airport. And when he said that he thought it was like a novelty bus or something like that when he saw it.
And he, like, I was speaking to him afterwards. And he thought that the yellow school bus on the Simpsons was yellow, just cuz everything's yellow in the Simpsons cause all the people are yellow and stuff like that. Cause in England I think it, I think it's only like posh schools that have school buses really.
Like, I don't know anyone that went to school that has a bus to get to it, I suppose, cuz in England everything's kind of. Closer together maybe, but like, we all just walked to school and it like, for me it was like maybe a mile and a half, two miles or something to get to school and you could take the public bus, so everyone was getting to work.
Or like me just walk right to go on my little kind of, push scooter and get to school that way. But yeah, that, that was, , exciting to see. And it was, yeah, interesting to talk to people about it. And then on our third to last gig, We actually had someone come to the merch desk, which is one of the best things about working your own merch is you get to meet loads of really cool, interesting people.
And she was really excited to meet us after that story, cuz she was a yellow school bus driver, which absolutely made our day, which is really cool.
Ed Cunard: That's very fun. And then most importantly, for our audience, when you guys were here and you had your time off, did you guys do any karaoke? Did you stop at a bar that had it.
Johnny Marriott: We did not, we didn't, we didn't have opportunity, unfortunately, like we should have, but like so much of our time, Was traveling as well, because we were driving ourselves. We only had three or four days off. , and I think, the wildest day off we had was when we were in Orlando in Florida. And, we kind of played the show and then we had someone, send a, message to us on Instagram going, Hey, I really enjoyed the show last night.
Next time you are about, I work kind of in management at Disney world. So if you ever want kind of VIP passes to Disney world, let us know. And we messaged her back going. We have a day off in Florida right now. Can, can we make it happen now? An hour later we were queuing up slightly hungover for this like Everest ride at Disney world.
And we hadn't had time to know what it was about. I hadn't been on a roller coaster for like, 15 years. and it kinda like took you all the way up to the top of Everest and then like drops you backwards in the dark, like spinning you around and all that kind of stuff. It was nuts., I think probably the closest I got to karaoke was when I was at Disney world as well.
Singing along to the lion king when that was going on. But I did do a lot of singing along to other bands, but obviously that's just cause I was watching, loads of other bands cuz we had, different bands come and join us for different parts of the tour. And I have to say my favorite one, the one that I was absolutely in love with and one that I hadn't heard of before, or hadn't listened to before, sorry, was , AJJ.
Who are absolutely incredible. They're so kind of passionate and so emotive and the music's so vulnerable, but so kind of raw and like aggressive at times as well. And when we were in the van, we were doing a lot of singing along at the tops of our voices to AJJ songs driving between shows.
Ed Cunard: Now you mentioned doing lion king karaoke at some point. So when you do karaoke, do you do something different than you normally do on stage? Like, are you, are you doing secret ballads? Are you spitting some fire, hip hop tracks, or are you sticking to, you know, some of that punk and rock, Genre.
Johnny Marriott: My biggest memory of doing karaoke. And I was thinking about my favorite time when we're, oh, I need to tell you this as well, actually, cuz we'd gone on this stag do. With my friend, Tim and all of his friends of which I knew no one as well. And we went into this karaoke bar at the end of the night.
It was kind of like at 1:00 AM and we had it from about 1:00 AM till like 4:00 AM or something like that. And it was quite expensive to get in. It was like kind of 20 pounds to get in. But we were like, look, it's all part of the package let's go in. And then when we got in, they gave us all these six drink, tokens that we didn't realize came with entry.
So as soon as you got in and we were all smashed already, you got these six drink tokens. so I was like a kid in a sweet shop. I was just having all these kinda like different drinks and all these different shots. And then some people were so drunk that they had kind of. Passed out in the karaoke room and I was kind of subtly just waking 'em up, going like people.
I didn't really know people. I just met, met on the site going mate. Do you mind if I, do you mind if I have your drink token? And then I was running downstairs and getting more. And then the memory that I have of my favorite song that I was singing, and it's someone that, my wife Lorna is really into and someone that I like, but I'd not like I I'd never really put her on, normally, was I was singing along to Amy Winehouse at the absolute top of my voice.
And I'm sure there's video evidence of it somewhere and I've listened. And I remember as well singing. And thinking, this sounds brilliant. I thought it was sounding amazing. Um, and then like, yeah, video evidence surface, like the next day. And I absolutely murdered it as did every single person in the room.
But we had the best time, you know, and I think karaokes that kind of opportunity to just go and do what you think's fun. And like, if you wanna do, if I was gonna do. Kind of, rock music. I might do something like Pantera or something like that. I'd do something where it'd be a completely different vocal style to what I usually do.
, Or sometimes, like one of my favorite bands is the Streets. And I remember that night as well, like, kicking out some Streets as well and getting my kind of, something little bit more lyrical, a little bit more garage on as well. Never done a proper ballad either, but, I'd be up for it.
I'd be up for it. I reckon with enough beers.
Ed Cunard: I'm actually gonna have to like hit all the karaoke sites to see if I could find a copy of The Streets for karaoke and do like "Pure Garage" or something, because I, that that's never even occurred to me to look for before. But a friend of mine from Scotland turned me on to them. Like, 15, 20 years ago or something.
, maybe 10, 10 sounds more, more likely, but uh, now I'm like, oh no, I think I have to try that. now a question I wanna ask you, cause you, you are a punk rocker and I'm somebody who loves punk rock. Do you see any kind of similarity between the punk rock, ethos and people getting up to do karaoke?
You know, us amateurs, just getting up and, and wailing on a microphone in a bar somewhere.
Johnny Marriott: Yeah. Sure. Well, If I just kind of like go back to when I first formed a band and I said, like, I got my first ever pay packet. I bought a bass, I formed a band and then I was up there. I think that's a very similar ethos to karaoke cuz at its core, it's people having fun and expressing themselves. Right.
And I, I think the, so I remember being in the Nag's Head like the first time I went to karaoke and I think the hardest thing is in karaoke. When someone who can really sing, gets up there and smashes it, but knows they're smashing it as well, because then suddenly kind of goalpost, uh, shifted slightly and, everything kind of changes and everyone suddenly gets self-conscious.
And I think the thing about punk rock and I think the approach to karaoke as well, That anyone could get up and do it. And it's about that kind of, emotion, that freedom of expression. And it doesn't matter if, and I, I still, I take this to my performance in punk rock now, like as long as the passion's there and the expression's there and you are kind of like, meaning what you say and all that kind of stuff, then if you don't hit a hundred percent of the notes all the time, That doesn't matter, cuz it's about having fun.
It's about collective vision and about self-expression and it does, I actually, weirdly maybe it's cuz I was thinking about this day, about this podcast, I wrote a lyric today about a memory I had of being at a house party and everybody was singing along to Oasis at the top of their lungs again about like, it was a "Wonderwall,", which in England's like, Oasis, a kind of, Like America kids kinda like Nickelback in England.
I know they're kind of like a little bit more cool in America. but like in England they're kind like super, super mainstream, but like everybody knows it. I remember Oasis was playing out this house party and everyone was singing along at the top of the both voices all drunk. And there was a singing teacher's daughter there and she put like one finger in her ear and started like harmonizing doing all these vocal runs over it.
And then suddenly no one was in the moment anymore. Cuz everybody felt self-conscious and then everyone kind of one by one just stopped singing and then like the moment had died, because suddenly it was someone kind of trying to show up when it should have been people just having fun together and kind of like, uh, that kinda like collectivism and everybody cheering each other on.
So I think there are similarities in the fact that, it is expression and it is people having fun. And also if someone comes along who. A little bit arrogant. It kind of spoils it
Ed Cunard: Oh, definitely. Definitely. And in, in the spirit of fun, , you know, Johnny, thank you for being on here. This is great. But now I think to have a little bit more fun, we have to play our quick fire game. So we're gonna play a little, hit me with your best shot. So I'm gonna ask you a couple questions.
You give us the first answer that comes into your mind. You don't have to defend it. You don't have to explain it. You can say whatever you feel like, are you ready to play?
Johnny Marriott: Yeah, let's do.
Ed Cunard: Okay. And then afterwards, it's only fair that you get to fire away, you know, hit me with your best shot, fire away, uh, and ask any question you want karaoke related or otherwise. What is the best thing you've seen at karaoke?
Johnny Marriott: The best thing I've seen at karaoke. Apart from the guy passed out with all the drink tokens in his hand, who gave them to me, I think, , was my brother George who plays guitar in Pet Needs. And his friend, Rachel doing an absolutely stunning rendition of "Fairytale of New York" of my brother's shame, McGowan impression.
Was, second to none. It was amazing. And he still sometimes returns to Derby where we're from and goes to the Nag's Head. And I know that people do request their rendition of "Fairytale of New York" still
Ed Cunard: That's amazing. Conversely, what's the worst thing you've seen at karaoke.
Johnny Marriott: Kind of what I just said before, anyone trying to make people feel self-conscious or anyone where suddenly the energy is lost from the room, if kind of like, people get up and kinda like blast out Mariah Carey and think they're brilliant. Also I think the worst thing I've probably seen at karaoke is the video of me singing, Amy Winehouse. like the day after, but it was kind of the worst sonically. They absolutely felt the best, you know,
Ed Cunard: Yeah, absolutely. I like those are always really great in the moment. What's one song that you would love to be able to do at karaoke that you have never been able to find.
Johnny Marriott: I'd say, "California Über Alles" by the Dead Kennedys. Cuz I found if you kinda like grab, grab your voice box there and kind of shake it, like you could do a great Jello Biafra impression. So I'd love to go on and do that over that. Or maybe, um, "Black Me Out" by Against Me! As well.
Ed Cunard: Now imagine that someone kidnapped your family and the only way to release them was to wow. The kidnappers with a karaoke performance. What song do you choose?
Johnny Marriott: I would say, "Sticks 'n' Stones" by Jamie T. For two reasons, one, cause it's got a really, really high chorus, so I'll be able to hit the notes of that hopefully. But number two, because it is got really, really fast lyrical verses, and I've driven around kind of the countryside in Suffolk, where I used to live a million times singing along to that song at the top of my voice.
So I reckon I be able to give that one a good go. I think that's the only one. If I try to sing. an Adele ballad or something. I don't think my family would be saved, but I think I would try and impress them with speed as opposed to impress them with, uh, yeah, high notes.
Ed Cunard: It's a good strategy. And then finally, our, favorite question to ask is if you could magically strike one song from every karaoke playlist forever, which song would you choose?
Johnny Marriott: I'd say, I dunno who it's by, but "Sweet Caroline", that "Sweet Caroline", just cuz in England, that is just the soundtrack of the dickhead. Really? I don't say that the song's good, but I'm saying that it's at the end of kind of like when people are on the tube after a football match and they're kind of like drunk and Larry or just like in a part it's kind of, it's a kind of.
The theme tune to the LAR out, basically. , and like the kind of aggressive British drunk, I think "Sweet Caroline" seems to be their theme tune. So I'm sure there's a lot of people that really cool people that like that song as well. But for me, I think, yeah, get that off karaoke.
Ed Cunard: It's actually one of the reigning champion answers for that question, cuz it has the
same kind of thing here at karaoke bars. Yeah.
Johnny Marriott: Is it no way?
Ed Cunard: I will say, there is one guy in the town that I live in, who does a brilliant "Sweet Caroline", because the only way I can describe this is if you picture William Shatner doing it, that's exactly what he sounds like while doing it.
And it's gotten to the point that I'm obsessed with it, but Johnny, you got through it, man. It was great. I loved your answers. but now's your chance to fire away. If you have a, a question karaoke related or otherwise, I have to solemnly swear to answer truthfully.
Johnny Marriott: I have got a question for you. So, do you know people do kinda like bandeoke sometimes, where you kind of like have karaoke with band. If you could replace the singer of a band for one song and do bandeoke with the actual band as the blacking band, who would it be and what would the song be?
Ed Cunard: that's such a good question. And the funny thing is, so you were talking about you. A stag party you went to, well, my cohost, the reason he's not gonna be on this episode is because he's currently getting married and on his honeymoon
Johnny Marriott: Oh, nice.
Ed Cunard: the time, this airs, and, we took him to live band karaoke as part of his bachelor party with the person that we interviewed on a previous episode.
So we had that experience then, and that was fun. If I had to replace somebody in an actual band, oh, I would disappoint so many of their fans, but. I would probably have to go with, and the hard thing is just not to say like you or Frank or somebody, . I would actually. I would've to say "Bad Religion.".
Johnny Marriott: Oh, nice.
Ed Cunard: Just because, there's a lot of their songs that I've really wanted to do, that don't exist for karaoke or maybe, or maybe Violent Femmes, because I can do a pretty good. Impersonation. And I did get to once do "Country Death Song" with a live band karaoke gig at one point.
So that was fun. So, you know, actually, yeah, I'm gonna say violent fems because, I think, I think I'd get really tired doing Bad Religion, like physically, cuz I'm, you know, getting up there. But I think, I think I could make it through a Violent Femmes set.
Johnny Marriott: Yeah. Ah, that sounds great.
Ed Cunard: Johnny, again, thank you so much for coming on our show now is the point where we, we give the show to you. "The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)" is now your show promote what you want. Let us know what you have coming out,
Johnny Marriott: Cool hundred percent. Well, yay. Thank you, man. So, uh, yeah, we are Pet Needs. And we have an album coming out on September the 9th. Called "Primetime Entertainment." A couple of singles have dropped from it already. And then we're doing a UK tour supporting Frank Turner, soon. And we're out to Germany with Frank Turner again for his Lost Evenings festival, in September.
And then we've got loads of things to announce, but the thing that we're most looking forward to at the moment is on December the 16th in Colchester Essex in England, we're doing our biggest ever headline show called The Fractured Party 2. which is almost sold out. So it'd be really good to see everyone there.
Ed Cunard: That's awesome. And again, you know, thank you so much for coming on and, I genuinely hope to see you singing at a screen sometimes soon or at your next us tour. Hopefully sooner than later.
Johnny Marriott: Yeah. Perfect. Cheers, Ed.
End Notes
Adam Wainwright: That was amazing. I'm just gonna let you do more interviews by yourself.
Ed Cunard: Thank you for just dumping all the work on me. Dear, your friend.
Adam Wainwright: No problem, sir. No, I'm kidding. Ed. I'm I love, I love doing these interviews. I love being a part of, I love talking karaoke with other people. I also love hearing from our listeners. I really do. Whether they're giving us criticism of the show, praising us in the show. Just have a question about karaoke.
I love hearing it all. And there's so many ways you can do it. You can go to You can follow us on Twitter @sungpoorly. You can join our Facebook group at the greatest song ever song poorly. You can check out our Patreon at follow us on Spotify. Goodpods, Podchaser, leave your thoughts.
Leave a review, do all those things. Yeah, we'd just love to hear from you..
Ed Cunard: We also love to hear from Ben Dumm, who I luckily got to see in a backyard punk rock show. Pretty recently. How about that first serendipity? You can check out all of his music on Spotify or apple music under the Ben Dumm 3, Ben Dumm & the Deviants or The Marauders. He gave us "Gasoline" as our theme song, sign up for our Patreon.
You can get that as your own karaoke track.
Adam Wainwright: So listen, everybody, this is gonna be a moment of pure honesty from myself and from Ed and honestly, We have no idea. What's coming in two weeks. We're taking a recording break for the next week and a half. So we haven't really booked our next guest because I was a little unsure of what my wedding and honeymoon schedule would be.
And since ed needs to be involved with at least the wedding, I'm not bringing you on the honeymoon, ed, as much as you may want to come, I'm not bringing you on that. Courtney will be mad at me, so I don't wanna do that. But. I swear to you. I guarantee it. Okay. That in two weeks from when you're listening to this episode, there will be another episode out.
We will be talking more about karaoke and we will deliver that sweet, sweet karaoke content that you so desperately crave. We will not miss a recording date. I'm gonna come back refreshed recharged, and ready to talk some fucking karaoke and sing some karaoke. I'm gonna try to sing some karaoke on the honeymoon.
I don't care if they have karaoke there. I'm just gonna set up in the corner plus on my phone and just start singing and see what the fuck happens. Maybe I'll start an impromptu karaoke night. That would be a great story, right?
Ed Cunard: That would be, please do that. Even if it, you know, dooms your honeymoon,
Adam Wainwright: It's gonna doom the honeymoon. It's gonna be very embarrassing. So on that note, that's it. That's all, there is no more. So until next time I I'm now Courtney Mill's husband,
Ed Cunard: I'm still Ed Cunard
Adam Wainwright: you are still Ed Cunard but Ed, remember that singing off key is still technically singing.