The Endless Knot of Karaoke. Sort of.

Hey, look at us, posting on a Friday! Today, we’re the podcast that takes etymology *exactly* as seriously as it should be taken. Well, we don't, but The Endless Knot ( does–it’s April Fool’s Day, and Operation Switcheroo, so we’ve switched places with Mark and Aven–their listeners are hearing one of our episodes, and you’re hearing one of theirs. Their notes for this one, from 2018, are as follows:
"We head back to the Endless Knot Cocktail Bar to talk about the history of the Mai Tai, the Tiki craze, Polynesian mythology, cultural appropriation, and World's Fairs. And then we turn to Rome's relationship to Greece, and discuss whether Horace wrote the Exotica music of the ancient world!"
As always, you can find more info on the website (, and on social media--the show is @sungpoorly on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and now even Tiktok. You can reach Adam and Ed via email by sending a message to And if you want to support the podcast and snag yourself some great karaoke and podcast swag doing it, our store has all of that and more–
Theme song: "Gasoline" by Ben Dumm and the Deviants. Make sure to check out Ben's newest music at The Ben Dumm 3.