Oh, the Places You'll Go (and Drink, and Sing)

This week on "The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)," Adam and Ed reminisce about some fantastic karaoke regions--from Japan and the Phillipines, to New York City, Portland Oregan, Florida and, of course, western Pennsylvania, where they both cut their baby karaoke teeth and became the karaoke-obsessed people they are today. Naturally, the Karaoke Bullpen Trivia Challenge has a place connection, too, as Ed quizes Adam about places in songs. Some of the great karaoke bars mentioned: Winnie's in NYC and Backstreets Sports Bar in Cape Coral, Florida. And, of course, the idea of finally taking this podcast on the road and hitting up some new towns and making some new friends along the way.
Speaking of new friends--the guys are then joined by Jennifer Howell of the "Every Rom Com" podcast, who has also done a lot of karaoke in her time--everywhere from Massachusetts to Korea to Portland, Oregon. She shares some of her favorite karaoke places and memories and brings some of her movie love in as well before playing the "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" quickfire game. And, for the first time this season, the show features its guest singing karaoke!
As always, you can find more info on the website (https://www.sungpoorly.com), and on social media--the show is @sungpoorly on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and now even Tiktok. You can reach Adam and Ed via email by sending a message to sungpoorly@gmail.com.
Theme song: "Gasoline" by Ben Dumm and the Deviants. Make sure to check out Ben's newest music at The Ben Dumm 3.
Jennifer Howell is the host, producer and editor of Every Rom Com, the podcast that has fun taking romantic comedies seriously. When she’s not podcasting, Jennifer works as a page at the Madison Public Library, spends time with her husband and cat, and tries to figure out the perfect ending for her horror screenplay. Jennifer spent time as a karaoke nerd at the Ambassador in Portland, Oregon, before moving to Busan and Gyeongju, South Korea to teach English from 2009-2016. Her favorite karaoke songs include “Don’t Stop Me Now”, “Wannabe”, “Bette Davis Eyes”, “Dancing in the Dark” and her special party trick of singing Disney’s “Colors of the Wind” in German.
Adam Wainwright: Hello, and welcome back to The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly). It's the podcast that takes karaoke exactly as seriously as it should be taken. I'm your hopelessly romantic host Adam Wainwright.
Ed Cunard: And I guess that makes me your hopefully unromantic co-host Ed Cunard.
Adam Wainwright: I like to think you're just as romantic as I am Ed. I mean that in the, our love for each other knows no bounds.
Ed Cunard: This much is true, sir. Speaking of things that we love, I've missed you so much. I haven't really talked to you in almost a month. What's been going on?
Adam Wainwright: Well, the reason you haven't talked to me in a month, because I just did a long form improv show that I had been in rehearsals for, for about a month called "Certified Organic". That is a take on a Herald for all you long, long form improv fans out there.
Ed Cunard: Yes. And
Adam Wainwright: Yes. And it was amazing. I really enjoyed it and Ed made a little improv joke right there. Cause that's what we do. Make a little, little improv humor here.
Ed Cunard: that is literally all I know about improv. So from here on out, I am useless.
Adam Wainwright: You're not useless Ed, that is one of the beautiful things about improv. You know what here's what surprised me about improv. Okay. And during rehearsal periods, I had like three, two or three bad rehearsals because I got into my head because there is a crushing weight to not having restrictions you don't have restrictions in improv. So when you can choose anything, it's tough to choose anything.
Ed Cunard: Now you see why I try to script as much of this as possible.
Adam Wainwright: We know what we're talking about. We have things, you know, like we want to talk about that. We want to hit and we work off of, like when you start with a complete blank slate and you have nothing up there and there's no words And like somebody just says, go like you, you start to like really get crushed by all the options out there.
So I was amazed by it, but the show went really well. I had a great time. I learned a ton. I'd like to do it again at some point, but who knows when that will happen or if it will happen. So until that I have, you may have this podcast and that's enough for me.
Ed Cunard: And you're always enough for me, Adam, and at least with karaoke, you do always have the words on the screen.
Adam Wainwright: This is true. I always have the words in the screen. Ed, where else could I potentially find some words if I went into show words on me,
Ed Cunard: If you wanted to show words on you, we can talk about what I've done the entire time you were gone and left me miserable and alone. I finally put up our merch store on our website. So if you go to sung poorly.com, there is a tab for merch and we are putting new things out there as often as I remember to.
Adam Wainwright: Yeah, we have some great merchant round. Let's say we got t-shirts. We don't have mugs. They didn't look good.
Ed Cunard: No, no, no, no. We have mugs. We have better mugs. We got rid of the old
Adam Wainwright: we got, we got rid of the bad mugs
Ed Cunard: pretty sure the t-shirt I'm wearing right now is making me.
2.4% sexier. So I'm up to at least a solid sexy now.
Adam Wainwright: I had you at 3.17% sexier. So you're not giving yourself enough credit. You should definitely give yourself more credit with that.
Ed Cunard: I think you just missed looking at me
Adam Wainwright: I did miss looking at you. This is true. We got stickers though. We kept pins. If you have a good pin collection, like we're talking about really affordable. Options out there to get your greatest song ever sung poorly merchandise.
Ed Cunard: and it's a way you can thank us for putting together this karaoke podcast for the last year. Wow. It's been like a year already, Adam.
Adam Wainwright: It's been a year. Personally partial to the "Songs, Drinks, Friends, Strangers" t-shirt. I I love that
Ed Cunard: the hipster t-shirt I figured you would like that.
Adam Wainwright: the hips hipster t-shirt. that.
is exactly my jam. You know, me
way too. Well,
Ed Cunard: certainly fond of, you know, having karaoke printed in both Japanese and Korean, because today's all about the great places for karaoke.
Adam Wainwright: Ooh. Tell me more, ed.
Ed Cunard: Well, our whole focus today is about great places to do karaoke and terrible places to do karaoke because Adam and I have been around and so has our guests. We're globe trotting, karaoke, enthusiasts, and places are important. You want to know how important places are Adam?
Adam Wainwright: How important are places Ed?
Ed Cunard: There are so important that today's karaoke, bullpen trivia is focusing on songs about places.
Adam Wainwright: oh, hell yeah. I've been everywhere, man. Let's do this.
Ed Cunard: So here's what you'll get
Adam Wainwright: Okay.
Ed Cunard: five trivia questions based on the episode's topic with varying degrees of difficulty. Each question is worth. So the top score for any rounds is five points, not six points, not 5.5 points, not 14 points. If you get stuck, you can ask for one hint per game, but Hey, even if you get all of the questions wrong, you can still win by answering the impossible question, get that one, right.
And you get all five points. But remember Adam, even if you save your hints, there are no hints for the impossible bonus.
Adam Wainwright: That's fair. And I would just like to say, Ed, I think we all win just by giving to play the game.
Ed Cunard: Absolutely. So
Adam Wainwright: everybody wins
Ed Cunard: play along at home folks because everybody loves trivia.
Adam Wainwright: because you're going to do better than me. So this is going to, yeah, no, it's probably, that's probably true know what I love most about like our little back and forth challenge right now is that normally there's some kind of audio stinger beforehand. Do you have something?
Ed Cunard: Adam. I will never let you down.
Trivia Theme: Now on the greatest song ever sung poorly I'll challenge Adam with places in songs.
Adam Wainwright: That was beautiful, Ed. I love that you've pulled a Johnny Cash song to,
Ed Cunard: It's not a Johnny
Adam Wainwright: oh, that's not a Johnny Cash song. So I'm starting trivia real bad. oh shit. Yeah. it's on my it's El. Paso's the name of the song?
Ed Cunard: is correct. It's
Adam Wainwright: Yeah. Marty Robbins.
Ed Cunard: So you know the drill, Adam, are you ready to play?
Adam Wainwright: I'm more ready Ed. I've never been so ready for anything in my entire life.
Ed Cunard: Fantastic. Let's see if we can narrow the gap here. Somewhat question one. Sir Mix-a-Lot has a song called "Jump On It", shouts out a bunch of places across the country and condenses all of Ohio into one line, which is fair. His song is a loose cover of an early hip hop song called "Apache", which also had a heavy sample of the Incredible Bongo Band's cover of "Apache." Which early rap group did that song?
Adam Wainwright: I'm going to get this backwards and it's gonna kill me. " Apache" had to be Grandmaster Flash, right?
Ed Cunard: Oh Adam. No, that was the Sugarhill Gang.
Adam Wainwright: I thought it was sugar. I had sugar hill gang and oh, see now I'm I had sugar hill gang.
in the Grandmaster flash. I thought it was okay. Yeah. We're moving on.
Ed Cunard: Okay.
Adam Wainwright: I'm disappointed in myself.
Ed Cunard: I mean the hint for that one, I'm just gonna tell you what the hint was, was going to be if you had to use it, which I didn't think you would, was going
Adam Wainwright: No,
Ed Cunard: do one of their songs at karaoke together regularly.
Adam Wainwright: I thought it was one of the two, like, I don't know why I got so like backwards with, yeah.
Ed Cunard: that's all right. Question two. We're going to be talking about Korea later, a place to my knowledge, neither of us have spent any time in. My favorite K-pop band is black pink. They've collaborated with Selena Gomez, Cardi B, and this contemporary pop icon from New York who also has collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Tony Bennett and Flo Rida
Adam Wainwright: I have to give pop artist from New York?
Ed Cunard: That is correct.
Adam Wainwright: only one I know. And that's Beyonce or Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. That's final answer.
Ed Cunard: Also, neither of those are from New York.
Adam Wainwright: Neither of them from New York.
Ed Cunard: Oh, Adam.
Adam Wainwright: Contemporary PI, I don't know what he contemporary pop stars, Ed.
Ed Cunard: has a song that starts out with my daddy, Alabama, my Mala, Louisiana, like it was lady Gaga.
Adam Wainwright: I thought she's from Pennsylvania originally.
Ed Cunard: Well, that's Taylor swift. Oh, we are. We're starting off so great here today.
Adam Wainwright: wait, wait, wait She's not from New York city. She's from like the country in New York. Right. Because she like she started as a classical pianists.
Ed Cunard: I don't think so. I think the first thing that I remember her on was a guest starring role on the Sopranos before
she was famous.
Adam Wainwright: lady Gaga. Oh, okay. Okay. I'll take your word for it.
Ed Cunard: Question three in 1991, Boys II Men dropped "Motown Philly", a song inspired by two major sources of inspiration for the group Motown and Philly soul. It's obvious where a Philly soul originated, but where is the original Motown sound from
Adam Wainwright: It's from Detroit.
Ed Cunard: Correct!
Adam Wainwright: I know, I know a little bit about Motown. Not a ton, but a little bit.
Ed Cunard: I have a feeling that you're going to get this one correct. "Well, you got trouble. My friend right here, I say trouble right here in River City.". There's a lot of place references in "The Music Man." In fact, two songs from the musical have place names in their titles, name them, both.
Adam Wainwright: Ooh, one is Gary Indiana. It's not the Louisiana Paris, France New York or Rome. The other one. Oh, man. In the titles?
Ed Cunard: Of the songs.
Adam Wainwright: Oh, Jesus. You're making me run through like the entire musical in my head here. The second place is escaping me.
Ed Cunard: You got "Gary, Indiana" right. The other one was "Iowa Stubborn."
Adam Wainwright: I haven't thought about that song in a long time.
Ed Cunard: No, no, It's a deeper cut,
Adam Wainwright: That's a very, that's a much deeper cut. Yeah.
I only remember Gary and Ron Howard was the original kid in the movie and would sing that with the list.
Ed Cunard: Well question five might be a redemption question cause it's somebody that, you know and love that we're about to talk about. No song is more place driven than a song. I know you love: "I've Been Everywhere," as made famous by Johnny Cash, but written by an Australian country singer Geoff Mack and previously recorded by Hank Snow.
Now, this is a hard one as he names so many places. Multiple choice, which of these places is not mentioned in the Johnny Cash version.
Adam Wainwright: fuck. Okay.
Ed Cunard: Is it Hackensack, New Jersey Laredo, Texas Rexburg, Idaho, or Shreveport, Louisiana
Adam Wainwright: I'm going eliminate Shreveport. Shreveport's definitely mentioned in there. I think Hackensack has definitely mentioned what were the other two?
Ed Cunard: Laredo, Texas and Rexburg. Idaho.
Adam Wainwright: I think it's Laredo, Texas isn't mentioned.
Ed Cunard: You are correct, Adam. You've got two points.
Adam Wainwright: Hey, there we go.
Ed Cunard: But now you have a chance to get all five
Adam Wainwright: Let's let's do it.
Ed Cunard: With the impossible bonus. So the impossible bonus question is: George Strait, accurately places, Amarillo as being north of San Antonio in "Amarillo by Morning," that it's up from San Antonio, how long would it take under average driving conditions to arrive in Amarillo at 8:00 AM from San Antonio, Texas.
Adam Wainwright: Under average driving conditions. Um, it would take three hours and 47 minutes.
Ed Cunard: are nowhere in the ballpark. It is seven hours and 44 minutes.
Adam Wainwright: Fair enough. I'm not
Ed Cunard: is really big
Adam Wainwright: know I driven through Texas, but I just don't know where Amarillo I'd been in San Antonio. I didn't know where Amarilla was in relationship. Yeah. Okay.
Ed Cunard: in all fairness. Neither did I, until I looked it up.
Adam Wainwright: Yep. That's fair. That's fair.
It was through a
Ed Cunard: But Adam, you, you got two points,
Adam Wainwright: that's much less than I should have.
Ed Cunard: it's more than you thought you were going to get at first.
Adam Wainwright: Yeah, probably, probably,
I'm kicking myself over Apache. That's that's the one that really got me right there. All the other ones I can live with the Apache thing is killing me.
Ed Cunard: Yeah. It's, it's slightly shameful, but you know, it's not as shameful as all the great karaoke places we haven't gotten to.
Adam Wainwright: I know we have so many. We need to get to. ed. We have so many, let's talk about it.
Ed Cunard: Now, I was correct earlier. You, you have not done any Korean noraebang, right?
Adam Wainwright: No, I haven't done any noraebang. Um, I, when I was in Navy, I spent some time outside of Korea, but never actually got to go inland and to the mainland of Korea. So I've never done some noraebang. The only thing I know about the noraebang is what our guest Jennifer tells us later.
Ed Cunard: what about some of the other places that you went while you were over there? Adam? Cause he spent a good time the Asian area.
Adam Wainwright: Oh, I sure did. Yeah. Japan had a great karaoke scene. Obviously we've talked, I think, extensively about it. So I'm not going to dive into it anymore where it's just a different experience, you know? it's a different culture. It's something that's fundamentally built into the culture. Like I look at it in the United States a lot of times with certain scenes and just in general, as like, it's almost like on the outskirts of culture, that's somebody that everybody's familiar with, but it's not integrated into the culture.
You know, it's like this very small little nugget within our culture, as opposed to being a central part of the social culture of the United States. In Japan. It's just part of the social culture. Like it's ingrained, it's built in, but it's also like, it's also weirdly sexist, just a little bit built in, in Japan to where it seems to be like, when I say culture, it seems to be built into like men in Japanese culture, where it holds like a significant importance in seems to be integrated in there. Do you know what I'm saying?
Ed Cunard: I think I'm picking up what you're putting down. I've never done karaoke in Japan, myself, but I understand the kind of thing you're talking about.
Adam Wainwright: I'm not saying that women aren't allowed to do karaoke or anything like that. I'm just saying that there's a different level of importance that's placed with men and karaoke. Like everybody I talk to in the people that I experienced, the people that would go and practice karaoke by themselves because they were having a meeting later, meeting with friends were always men. Like for some reason, like in Japanese culture just seemed like it was sort of more, I'm not like I. Not qualified to really dive into this. We should, if we have somebody out there that's experienced about.
this, that has like more insight than I do. I acknowledge that I am not the most qualified person to extensively talk about this and I would invite them to come onto the show and talk to us a little bit more and either correct me or reinforce what my theory is.
And that's nothing more than a theory based on my experiences and my experiences alone.
Ed Cunard: Japan, wasn't the only place in Asia that you did karaoke, right?
Adam Wainwright: No, actually, um, I did have the chance to do karaoke in the Philippines and that's one of the places we've identified as like great markets for karaoke is the Philippines. I think everybody's sort of familiar with the popularity and I got insight into the true popularity of karaoke.
When I was serving on a Navy ship, I served with a lot of people that were born and raised in the Philippines, and it seems like every Filipino home has a karaoke machine. And that just seems to be a fact, they actually, on the ship, we used to host karaoke nights, that was initiated by somebody who was born and raised in the Philippines is important.
Part of their family is part, part of the culture. So we used to bring it to everybody on the ship. I had a great time doing karaoke in the Philippines. I drank lot. . There's a Filipino drink called mojo. And if you're listening to this and you know what mojo is, please drop us a line somewhere.
So we can talk to somebody who knows about mojo. The mojo is like if you took a long island ice tea and cranked it up by like five my night, started doing karaoke in the Philippines with me drinking most of a pitcher of this and then finishing. Shots of tequila at the bar we were at in the Philippines doing karaoke that we weren't supposed to be at. But it was great. It reminded me a lot of Western karaoke in the fact there was like an actual stage, like an elevated stage that you go on, you perform. So it was more like what you're used to, like what we are used to in the Western world, as far as what karaoke is, you get up there, you performed on the stage, I, I just remember everybody was very receptive and we just had a, we had a ball at night.
Ed Cunard: Yeah, that sounds fantastic. That's at some point I would like to see it in the Philippines and Japan and Korea. My best friend growing up is Filipino, but karaoke really wasn't a thing in his household to my knowledge that I saw personally, I've only taken him to karaoke in Western, Pennsylvania once when he came to visit.
Adam Wainwright: you have to take them again then
Ed Cunard: if I can get them out this way again. Yeah, absolutely. He's more likely to go to karaoke with you out where you live. Cause he's much closer to where you are.
Adam Wainwright: that's fair. And ironically, I don't know much about the karaoke scene yet where I live, so where I'm going to be learning from you because like, okay, look, let's just work down the list. Right? We have a list. Everybody have spots that we've identified as like great markets for karaoke. And this is an ever-changing list.
listen to this and you say, Hey, you missed blank. Let us know, let us know why it's a great karaoke spot. Say, you're come and talk to us about the karaoke scene there. We'd love to hear from you.
Ed Cunard: we'll go down.
Adam Wainwright: I'm serious , Ed. I want to start like taking trips to these different scenes and number one on, I think both of our lists that we shouldn't, and I'm going to introduce this right here, live with air quotes.
Because this is what I do. I do air quotes, so live on The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) I'm saying we should in 2022 plan a trip to Portland.
Ed Cunard: Absolutely. I mean, I've only done karaoke out there once it was back. When I appeared on a reality TV show called "Epic Ink" getting a karaoke themed tattoo on my thigh from an artist who I actually went to high school with. That's how I got hooked up with that show. And I got to go to exactly one karaoke bar and sadly it was not Baby Ketten cause Ketten was still a operation at that point and only had certain nights. And I honestly, I wish I remember the name of the bar, but it was a fantastic time. It was this little Tiki bar that my friend took me to and. I saw some fantastic performances there songs you don't see song everywhere.
Some dude did a awesome grunge guttural version of Lorde's "Royals."
Adam Wainwright: Ooh.
Ed Cunard: that has stuck in my head since that trip.
Adam Wainwright: I love that. I love to experience that and I'm serious. We should take a trip to Portland. We've had a couple of guests that have come on and talked about their experiences in Portland. My overall opinion of the city of Portland is great and I think I'd love it. And just based on the karaoke scene, we know people in Portland, we could hit up and like hit these spots we've talked about on the show part that I think that would be fucking awesome.
Ed Cunard: I will. That, that is a trip I will make with you in a heartbeat,
Adam Wainwright: We can write that off as a business expense, right. Because they're going out there for research for the podcast.
Ed Cunard: I suppose technically we could, but do you know where else we have to do karaoke together that we haven't?
Adam Wainwright: there's lots of places at where, but where specifically.
Ed Cunard: It's where you are now, New York city
Adam Wainwright: Come up to New York city anytime
Ed Cunard: center of the universe
Adam Wainwright: center of the universe
the big orange.
Ed Cunard: times. Maybe you shitty, but they can't get worse.
Adam Wainwright: If we walk down this path, ed, don't start a road. You're not willing to finish right now.
Ed Cunard: I'm just happy that a trip that you took there years before you moved there, I was able to get you to go to Winnie's
my all-time favorite New York karaoke spot.
Adam Wainwright: I mean, I loved Winnie's. That was one of my only experiences in New York. I've done karaoke, a couple of different places to New York now Winnie's is by far the most memorable.
Ed Cunard: when you went, it was at the old place. Right? When it was still on Bayard,
Adam Wainwright: Yeah, it was so on Bayard.
Ed Cunard: they still use the laser discs.
Adam Wainwright: Yup. You warned me. It was going to skip and it 100% I got to pick the Johnny Cash track. Cause that's what I do in strange places. It's my, my go-to and sure enough--skipped.
Ed Cunard: But now those laser discs are chandelier's in their new spot, which I have to be there in person to see. Cause I think that's just the coolest idea how they kept the old as they moved with the new,
Adam Wainwright: I think it's a great idea. I need to go. I where where's the new spot at?
Ed Cunard: I will have to look it up online and tell you.
Adam Wainwright: I'm looking up right now. This is the magic of podcasting. Everybody. We have computers in front of us not to give away all of our secrets. Ooh, Winnie's bar. It's a karaoke bar, 58 east Broadway. So if you want to check it out, go to 58 east Broadway, that looks like it's down in lower Manhattan Chinatown lower east side area. I will be planning a trip down there at some point soon.
Ed Cunard: And I have to admit, like I do like a lot of the private room places. There's a whole bunch of hipster places in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn that I've gone to that I don't remember because it was just me going with friends at the time. And it was before I was a karaoke addict, but Winnie's will always have a special place in my heart.
Adam Wainwright: Listen, here's, here's two things I'm going to propose. And this is going to turn into the episode of proposals. Number one is I definitely want to make a trip to the lower east side. Chinatown was where I actually, didn't. I okay. So in the year of our Lord, 2017 in December, I ended up going to Chinatown late at night with my friend, Pete, and we decided we're going to find karaoke.
We found a karaoke spot that had private rooms, but it had a bar outside the private rooms where the public karaoke place got packed. And it was a fucking blast down in Chinatown. We stayed out until God knows how early in the morning. but what I want to propose is , like, I'd never been to Brooklyn for karaoke I want to send an invite out to the "Friday Night Karaoke" crew and say, we need to plan a trip to Brooklyn to do some karaoke. Ed, would you come to Brooklyn, do karaoke with those guys?
Ed Cunard: I would love to do karaoke with you, Joe and Mike, I think they're more Manhattan-ites when it comes to karaoke, but absolutely
Wherever the three of you, beautiful men are, I will be there.
Adam Wainwright: I'm saying that if the four of us got together to do karaoke, we would make people shit themselves
Ed Cunard: I might never come home.
Adam Wainwright: we it would be just a beautiful thing. It would be, I mean, we need to make that happen. Okay. Okay. But we have more places we need to talk about. one that I, well, I haven't experienced as thorough as you have is the Florida karaoke scene hit us with what's what's going on in Florida.
Why is this so great.
Ed Cunard: Here's the thing that makes Florida so magical and also so horrifying. So I used to spend a lot of time in Florida for work. I was flying there almost every month, spending a week, sometimes three weeks because of my job, Florida. And this is taking into account anything, not related to the stuff happening in the world now, but Florida has just a different thing to it.
Half of the year, it's full of snowbirds and they come down from the north and 90% of them are really shitty drivers and driving into Florida in any month that it's cold up here and warm down there really sucks. But one of the things that they do bring when they come, cause it's not all like septuagenarians, there's people in our age range and younger who are also down there during the winter months.
It brings so many different voices to a bar that I can't remember any time, except for the one time that I was at Winnie's in New York, when a bunch of people came in after their shift on Broadway, I can't remember hearing as many good voices and as many varied voices as, as I have traveling through Florida for work.
And it was the first place that I was introduced with a very Western style front-facing bar had karaoke seven nights of the week without fail. And I just felt like I hit my happy place. When I went down there for my first winter, it was significantly less happy when I was down there in summer, because a lot of those voices were not there.
And also it was ball- dripping hot, but all up and down, Florida. You just never know what you're going to get. Later this year we are going to have somebody who's currently living down there on the show. And I can't wait to hear about karaoke in their part of Florida because karaoke is still open down there.
They're still able to go pretty regularly. And I love seeing Lauren's tweets about the karaoke scene in Jacksonville,
Adam Wainwright: I can't wait to hear about that. Actually. I'm very excited.
Ed Cunard: but a personal shout out to my, one of my all-time favorite karaoke bars, which is down in Cape Coral, Florida, Backstreets Sports Bar. It is such a magical place. I mean, it's a dive bar that's relatively upscale, but still with dive bar prices, karaoke is out on the patio every night. Usually the inside has either a sports game on or a band performing.
And I mean, it's just my happy place. Like I miss being able to walk into Backstreets, especially on a Tuesday night when they have their two for one sing all night. That's great.
Adam Wainwright: I'm sad. I never got to experience that with you honestly, like you've talked a lot about your time in Florida and the karaoke experiences down there. And it just sounds like something that I would like, really enjoy. And I'm looking forward to 20 22 being kind of renewal getting out to do more karaoke and being out and about, and starting to discover the New York City scene just a little bit and just the scene in general.
And I'm serious, let's plan a trip to Portland, but I mean, we would be negligent and we'll wrap up here with two last thoughts. Okay. One, I started to send a shout out to Kentucky sort of, and I quantify Kentucky sort of, because I lived in new Albany, Indiana, which is right across the border from Louisville, Kentucky. And when I moved down there, it was, this is tying back to the time I made Ed cry when I went away.
So I moved there for about six months when I was down there, I had a great time. I found a karaoke spot in Louisville that I really enjoyed. I remember like the first time I was in this spot, I sang rent with some random person and I sang I'll cover you.
And That's like home run right off the bat, Kentucky. Well done. Um, I've had some interesting stories that emerged from me trying to find karaoke in new Albany, Indiana. And I say sort of, because I spent some time in bowling, green, Kentucky, uh, which is a dry county, couldn't find karaoke, but I found out there was karaoke happening in Tennessee, just across the state line.
So I drove from bowling green, Kentucky cross into Tennessee has some drinks, did some karaoke, had a great. time. So shout out to both Tennessee and Kentucky, when it comes to the Kerry, have you seen, I think what I've learned more than anything I said, no matter where you are, you could find a good karaoke scene.
Ed Cunard: This is true. I mean, who would've thought that we would have found so much great karaoke in Western Pennsylvania of all places?
Adam Wainwright: It's all over the place in Western Pennsylvania. It's kinda nuts. Even being in New York city, I don't think I ever realized how good I had it, in western PA. And even since I moved away, I've, you know, I'm making friends with KJS and people that I know out there, like news spots emerge is like they have karaoke every night.
My parents like to tell me the places that they go to like, oh yeah, they started doing karaoke on Thursday nights now. it's just wild that this entertainment's crept up and it's continues to be a source of entertainment when you're at the bar
or just a lifestyle that happens to be at a bar. we're talking about our individual circumstances,
Ed Cunard: Right. I mean, we take it a little bit past. What the average karaoke lover does. I mean, we started a podcast about it.
Adam Wainwright: do ed, tell me more. We, we take it.
further than the average person. That's
don't know
Ed Cunard: it. I just find that as a failing of the average person, that they don't love this as much as we do.
Adam Wainwright: You're not going to get any from me. That's 100%. Sure. just to summarize, we've talked about a little bit about Korea, the Philippines, Portland, New York, Florida, Western PA, Kentucky slash Tennessee. And just anywhere, if you, if we missed anything in this, we sincerely, I'm not bullshitting this.
Isn't some shit that we say, like, we want to know if we missed a good karaoke scene out there. Send us an email poorly gmail.com. Tweet us at sung poorly, leave a negative review somewhere, like saying these people, like they don't know about the karaoke scene in Topeka, Kansas. I'm like, we'll talk about it.
We'd love to talk to you. If you're passionate about it. We want to talk to people that are passionate about karaoke that love karaoke. Leave us a comment. Let us know how we screwed up. We love hearing that shit too, right, Ed?
Ed Cunard: Absolutely. But you know what else I would love to hear right now?
Adam Wainwright: Probably somebody else other than our own voices.
Ed Cunard: Absolutely. So I think, you know what time it is, and I think I know what time it is.
Adam Wainwright: Oh yeah. It's time to...
Ed Cunard: ...cue that fucking guitar.
Adam Wainwright: Hell yeah.
Jennifer Howell Interview Segment
Adam Wainwright: If there's one thing and loves almost as much as karaoke it's Now that's not a joke. He really and truly loves them. through that love, he found a podcast called "Every Rom Com" where Jennifer Howell and friends take deep dives into romantic comedies from all eras of cinema. Today we have Jennifer on the show as she has also taken deep dives into karaoke and two great karaoke areas, Korea and Portland, Oregon. Jennifer, welcome to "The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)."
Jennifer Howell: I'm very happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me. When I found out about your podcast about karaoke, I was like, oh my God, this is the podcast for me. Like, I just love it so much. So thanks.
Adam Wainwright: That's amazing. We're so excited to have you here. We love, I love when like two podcasts come together in perfect harmony. You know what I'm saying?
Ed Cunard: I do know what you're saying, Adam. So Jennifer, your karaoke history covers a big expanse of time and space. You've told us before you got your with karaoke in college in Massachusetts, in the nineties. What was your first time with this?
Jennifer Howell: So the first time I went to karaoke was a queer karaoke event at university of Massachusetts Amherst. My friend and I we'd go to like all these free events on campuses and they were having karaoke. We're like, why not? And it was really fun. But we chose really poorly for a couple of songs. We tried to do Prince right out the gate.
You don't want to do that right away. But then I did a version of "Like a Virgin" where I did, I don't know if you've seen the MTV music awards version where she writhes around Like, anyway, I did "Like a Virgin" and I did that dance. And while I was doing that, apparently my friend's Sibel, a girl came up to her and said, You're one lucky girl. And she assumed because we were queer karaoke that we were dating. And I think that's when the whole showboat aspect of karaoke was born for me. I was like, Wow. If I could do an a performance that would impress somebody that much. That's. That's awesome.
Ed Cunard: That's my favorite part of karaoke. That's for sure.
Adam Wainwright: 100%. Ed and I have been known to lean into that every now and then, too. So you really developed your love of karaoke. What we consider one of the all time. Great karaoke cities, Portland, Oregon. What was it about the Portland karaoke scene that made you fall in love with karaoke?
Jennifer Howell: Oh, my gosh.
Well, I actually have to give an ex-boyfriend of mine, Tim, like credit for getting me back into karaoke because I had not been to karaoke in Portland until he took me out. To go to the ambassador, a restaurant and lounge, and it's in the Hollywood district of Portland. almost immediately, it was just a great fit, uh, so much fun.
Like they have food there, but they also have like dedicated karaoke stages. So it's not just like some kind of cheap set up. It's like really professional equipment. They had laser disc videos. They had the friendliest KJS you can ever imagine. And just the people who came to sing there were like a lot of times really into singing and we would go on a weeknight too.
So it wouldn't be like way too crowded. And eventually, like I got all my roommates and our friends all kind of formed this dedicated group of karaoke singers. And we'd go every Thursday night, shout out to Coral, April and Nicole, Tim. And honestly, those are some of the best memories of my life. I wish I had, I appreciated it then, but I wish I had appreciated it even more.
It's almost hurts to think about how cool it was to have a group of friends. You go every week, practice your
Adam Wainwright: Oh, my gosh.
Jennifer Howell: you like support each other. And then you'd meet the other groups of weird karaoke friends, or you'd meet like the 20th reunion of these like 40 year old friends.
Like they were having a wild time or You you know, just the random people you'd see at karaoke.
Ed Cunard: You just doubly took me down memory lane because that's how our group, when we both lived in the same area, it used to be, but you also brought up the laser discs with the videos and I get so nostalgic those pioneer laser discs, with the plot that might resemble the song and also might involve a little person a pony and trying to lasso an alligator, you know,
Jennifer Howell: Yeah. I don't know if they still have them at the ambassador, but like the KJ would sometimes make me sing a song just because there was a weird doll video that went with it where like Barbie dolls were making out and stuff. And I was the only one who ever sang that song.
So she'd make me sing it all the time, just so we could watch the weird video.
Ed Cunard: And then like, so later you took that love of karaoke with you when you went to Korea. What brought you to Korea and what was your first taste of noraebang like?
Jennifer Howell: So I ended up going to Korea because my then boyfriend and eventually husband went over there to teach English. And so we were having a long distance relationship. And so first I went to visit. And I went out to noraebang with his friends and were up until like three or four in the morning. It was awesome.
That's one of the great things about noraebang as opposed to karaoke is like the bar doesn't close and noraebang stays open. It's like sometimes like a 24, 7 thing over there. Right. It's a very different, like, there's some things I like more about karaoke. Like, you know, you have the stage and like more of, it's more of a performance.
It's kinda more random who's there, but something like about noraebang is you can experiment more, you can sing weirder songs like, you don't have to feel quite as worried that you're going to ruin the evening for an entire bar. You know what I mean?
Adam Wainwright: That was the experience I had. I was stationed in Japan with the Navy for about three years. My experience with karaoke in Japan was very similar where, you know, you, you don't feel like it. There's not really a performative aspect. I mean, I was in situations where it turned into a performative thing in a non performative environment, because that's just how the evening evolved devolved.
It all depends on what lens you're looking at. It. So, yeah, it's always really, really interesting to me. Like hearing people have done karaoke and that, that kind of area of the world. So when you were in Korea, did you mostly go with the people you were working with or did you make friends with the locals who were.
Jennifer Howell: at first I did go with my work friends, I ended up forming a theater group called Shakespeare in Busan and all those theater group. I ended up being big noraebang people.
So all go to noraebang together. And one of the things that worked for me well about that was like, I don't really drink much. So like, I didn't really drink much. And so it was one way you could socialize and have fun late at night that didn't involve a bar.
Adam Wainwright: That sounds like exactly my thing, which is why you saw me, like, just kinda like, uh, I, you instantly struck a chord when you said that. Okay, so what's the story you got. Tell me, tell me the funny story about this. Do you remember?
Jennifer Howell: When I was at my first job in Korea at an academy and after-school academy, um, I went with the teachers at my school and they were really impressed by my singing for some reason, like maybe I was a better singer then I don't know, but I sang "Love of my Life" by Queen, I think is the one that got them. Then when it came time for her to get married, one of my coworkers at this school was like, you will, you sing at my wedding. You're such a good singer. And I'm like, well, you know, sure. But the first song she wanted me to sing was like "Loving You" by Minnie Riperton. You know, the ones like, "loving you", I cannot sing that.
That's not my range. So I had to very carefully guide her towards songs I could sing. So I. Officially sung. My heart will go on at a Korean wedding, which was a trip because when you're singing over there, people will kind of do this, like slow arhythmic clapping, which is kind of the polite way to show that they're enjoying your music.
It was, it was amazing to be honest, it was fun,
Ed Cunard: and you just touched on something that you had told me prior to coming on the show, you. don't really drink at all while doing karaoke. Isn't that right?
Jennifer Howell: Yeah. I have like people who were in my family, like not my immediate family, but my family history who have had alcohol problems. So I never really got into it.
Ed Cunard: I'm just wondering what that experience is like. Cause I mean, at the very least Adam and I usually do start nights sober and I know a lot of people find that, intimidate.
Did you find that intimidating at first?
Jennifer Howell: I think just because I never really started drinking, like I kind of trained and also I was like bullied a lot when I was a kid I already dealt with like the worst of like people picking on me that I'd probably ever get in middle school. Right. So by the time I was 18, 19 20, I was pretty tough.
Right. I don't have a problem with the risk of embarrassing myself. Really. I don't have like a ton of inhibition. So I think it's been easier for me than for some people they're just like put it out there. And I also, my family, when I was young, everyone saying like, it was just like, they sang me to sleep.
They sang along to music in the car just saying little bits of song made up songs. So I've always been singing, you know, as part of my life, I guess, growing up, I guess that's not true for everybody's.
Adam Wainwright: Yeah, it always varies a little bit. I tell you what, like, what you said really resonated with me. Like, I feel like. I was also picked on a lot when I was in school and high school and stuff like that. And it's funny how you kind of just, you've been through that kind of hell and come out the other side, it's funny that those things don't matter anymore about getting up in front of people and potentially, you know, embarrassing yourself. That's not scary anymore. You've been through this experience and you've taken a learn from it.
Okay, you've done karaoke, literally all over. What are some things that feel the same? No matter where you go and what feels different?
Jennifer Howell: I think the comradery of singing a song as it. It's something that's kind of universal. Like I think it's just part of human experience related that, you know, singing songs as a group that kind of takes us back maybe to some experience we've had throughout as people.
And that's one of the most beautiful things about karaoke. Like I do love giving a solo performance, but I really love when you sing it. And everybody starts getting involved. And that has happened in noraebang. It's happened at karaoke. mean, the only place that doesn't happen is if you go in Korea, they have these little arcade, noraebangs with like one person can't really happen there.
But other than that, yeah. Oh, and what's different?
So what's different in Korea, I think is the, just the amount of how ubiquitous it is in the culture, like similar to Japan, and also how many different venues you can send karaoke in.
So it's not just like a noraebang, like the singing room, but there's also the arcade noraebang, which you go to an arcade there. there's this, I don't know if they had this in Japan, but there are these little booths. And there's just like a machine and you can put like the equivalent of 50 cents into that machine and just like have your little microphone and songbook and sing the song, like maybe fits four people at most.
If you're trying to get that in there. So I used to do that all the time. Cause it'd be open all night and I didn't need other people to come with me. And it's a good place to practice your songs. You can sing on a train, at least when I was there. You could, I don't know if they have those things. I was saying like, I w I was such a nerd.
Like I got to sing last train to London by ELO while I was on a train, watching the scenery go by that. And some hotels will have them like hell and like, ah, and then there's like weird stuff too. Like my favorite Nori bunk ever in Korea, it's not there anymore. Sadly, it was in This neighborhood called Kim sung day in Busan.
And they had like stripper poles in all the rooms, like, and people would use them too. And they also had giant Teddy bears. So giant Teddy bears and stripper poles. It wasn't like a sex noraebang or anything. It wasn't like a place where sex workers might. It was just a normal, normal. And we had the best Christmas, like ever there once.
Um, is this a good place to tell a story? Like I
don't, I
don't want.
Adam Wainwright: place to tell the story.
Jennifer Howell: So we once had a Christmas night, there were my friend had Brittany and I were kind of like swinging around the stripper pole. We weren't doing anything too extreme, but like it had a window that faced the street and like everyone's out on Christmas in Korea.
It's kind of a date holiday and it's a student neighborhood. So these students like saw us, like in the window and they waved at us and they kind of made a gesture indicating they wanted to come up. And so we're like, sure. And thing we knew these like two Korean guys, like run up into our noraebang it was like a bunch of us.
It wasn't just two girls or anything. And they came in, they didn't have much English and we didn't have much Korean, but they just put in "Bad Romance" into the, the machine. And then they proceeded to give their performance of "Bad Romance" with choreography and it in one of the guys accidentally kicking the other guy in the nose.
But they just kept going. they kept singing the whole song and then we all clapped, we're all excited. And then they just left. that was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. Like, I don't know how you beat that.
Adam Wainwright: I don't know how you beat that either. That's, that's a truly unique, special experience. God, I love those moments. I love hearing about those notes. I really do.
Ed Cunard: It's a shame that those moments are becoming and farther between because the pandemic has made karaoke a much less public thing.
Jennifer Howell: Um,
Ed Cunard: have you kept yourself singing throughout these past years?
Jennifer Howell: You know, I haven't, as much as I want to, like actually listening to your podcast has inspired me to start breaking out. I got like one of those, like singing machine kind of karaoke machine things. I don't know if that's the actual brand I got, but like just, you know, one of those cheap ones. And so I've started using that.
we actually had an outdoor 4th of July party this year and we put it out since it's 4th of July and we figured we can make noise. Cause everyone else is going to put their fireworks up. We just put the karaoke machine out there and we were just like singing random songs in the driveway. We did get a couple of weird looks, but you know, whatever. Yeah. It was fun,
I just want to say a nice thing. I definitely like had been singing more because of your podcasts. Like every time I listened to an episode, I'm like, you know, Jennifer, you should just get your machine out and just sing a few songs.
Adam Wainwright: That's so nice. Yeah. We're, we're glad to, we're inspiring you to sing a little bit and you know what your podcast has us thinking. Okay, because it obviously covers romantic comedies, but there are a lot of karaoke scenes
Jennifer Howell: okay.
Adam Wainwright: comedies. There's "Lost In Translation", which you cover in episode 13, but there's also "When Harry Met Sally," "A Life Less Ordinary," "My Best Friend's Wedding,", "Bridget Jones's Diary," , "500 Days of Summer," "P.S. I Love You," "Up in the Air...". to name a few. Your favorite karaoke scene in a movie?
Jennifer Howell: Wow. That is like an impressive list. I actually don't, I haven't actually tried to pay attention to like, um, favorite karaoke scenes in a movie?
yet. I really liked the one they had in "Shang-Chi" recently. I think I've seen you guys post about that as well. That was awesome. The ones you mentioned though, I really, I do like "My Best Friend's Wedding." . What I like about my best friend's wedding actually is the scene where everybody starts singing at the table, actually for say a little prayer, like even more than the karaoke scene. Cause like, to me, it's still, it's like singing in movies, but I love the movie "Duets" too, just because of karaoke for, it's not a great movie, but for the sake of karaoke, I'm down with that.
The whole movie.
Ed Cunard: Since you have a movie podcast. I don't mind talking about "Duets" for awhile here because I do love the movie. Do you know how unhinged that movie was originally supposed to be?
Jennifer Howell: No,
Ed Cunard: The weird plot between Huey Lewis and Gweneth Paltrow his daughter from what I understand was originally written as a romance,
Jennifer Howell: all right.
Ed Cunard: she was still his daughter.
Jennifer Howell: Oh, man,
Ed Cunard: the creepiness in that "Cruisin'" scene, that I think was. Part of it much earlier, but I mean, I love that movie. It's it's, it's my favorite karaoke movie. It's a very short list to choose from, but, I do have a very big soft spot for duets in my heart.
Jennifer Howell: There needs to be more karaoke movies. I think it's a missed opportunity, really. There's a lot of love happening at karaoke bars.
Adam Wainwright: Maybe it is there is. We love to advise that a karaoke movie. If you're a screenwriter out there, we'd love to advise auto, bring us on board. We'll give you our 2 cents to make sure we're doing the accurate thing there. just because I want to get my 2 cents in real quick, "P.S. I Love You," the scene in the bar fairytale of New York, man, that scene gets me every single time.
That's all the questions we had. Jennifer. You were awesome. But now we've got to play a game together. Are you okay? If would you like to play, hit me with your best shot with us? Our quick fire karaoke. us your best answer game.
Jennifer Howell: Definitely. I'm all. I'm all in.
Adam Wainwright: Yes. So here's how it's going to work. We're going to give you five quick fire air quotes question, and just give us the. Best response to off the top of your head. I mean, it doesn't, you know, we don't have to quantify it. You don't have to explain anything you don't owe nobody, nothing. You just give us the best answer that you got. Because it's only fair at the end.
We're going give you the opportunity to have fire away where you'll be able ask Ed and I, any one question, uh, karaoke related or otherwise and we solemnly swear that we will answer, honestly. So Jennifer, are you ready to play? Hit me with your best shot.
Jennifer Howell: Yep. Let's go.
Adam Wainwright: Other than the two gentlemen or people that joined you to sing Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," what is the best thing you've seen at karaoke?
Jennifer Howell: So I've every time I listen to your podcast, I think about this. And, um, God, like this is okay, this is going to sound really vain because I was involved in this. Okay. The best thing I've ever seen at karaoke was the KJ Wolf, makes his own karaoke tracks. And he made, he made one for "Suddenly" from "Xanadu", which is not many people have heard that song, but I love living here, John and I got to sing a duet with him to that.
And just the experience of watching him sing his part and singing my part, it felt like I was like flying. It was such a beautiful experience because it's not a song you can usually sing. And he was such a good singer and he's still at the Ambassador to the best of my knowledge as a KJ.
So if you're in the Portland area, definitely check out the ambassador. He a great.
Ed Cunard: Fantastic. We absolutely will. What is the worst thing you've seen in karaoke?
Jennifer Howell: This is easy. At the same stripper pole noraebang, one night after a spoken word night in Busan, South Korea, a random woman that none of my friends knew came with us to karaoke. And as you just let people come to the noraebang with it's just how you are. Right. But she was very, very drunk and.
The w becoming progressively drunker and she played "Purple Rain." And then she proceeded to give one of the guys who was with us, an unwanted lap dance while trying to sing "Purple Rain." She was somehow both off key and off rhythm at the same time. And meanwhile, we're trying to push her off of this guy who doesn't want, you know, a lap dance.
And, she did, and she stayed with us then still, I actually had to hide the second microphone in the noraebang, like under a pillow, because she would be on everyone song and she'd be like, ah, like that, like it was, it was wild. So that was the worst thing I've ever seen and probably ever will see.
Adam Wainwright: Let's hope so. Let's hope that's the worst thing you ever see at karaoke. So what's the one song you would love to do at you just never been able to find?
Jennifer Howell: my gosh. Okay. Um, I think probably Ani DiFranco general, like I don't have never seen Ani DiFranco in a karaoke place and "Untouchable Face" would be awesome to do. I think,
"Shameless", like a lot of her stuff I would have.
Ed Cunard: I can tell you a lot of those earlier pre "Little Plastic Castle" songs are available on.
Jennifer Howell: Smule I've never looked at Smule before. All right. Good tip.
Ed Cunard: As you can tell I'm a, I'm a big fan. you're in a brand new place while traveling and you only have the chance to sing one song. What do you pick to make your mark.
Jennifer Howell: Okay. I'm totally cheating here because I would have to see what the crowd was like before I picked one song. Okay. Like I think "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls is an easy one for me, because like I can do the rap part in the middle without missing a beat. And I think it's really good for audience participation.
Tell you, what I want really, really want, and you give the mic to other people. So tell me what you want, what you really, really want. You can get people involved in that, but if it didn't look like a "Spice Girls" crowd, I might throw in some "Downtown" Petula Clark, or I might throw in like a, you know, I used to do a lot of Queen. After Bohemian Rhapsody.
It's gotten a little ubiquitous. I used to do "Don't Stop Me Now" a lot. "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" is a good deep cut now. Sorry, that really broke your rule of one.
Adam Wainwright: No. That was a great answer. We love hearing. I love the fact that you quantified it too. And you're like the first thing you said was I need to see what the crowds like in that is
Jennifer Howell: Yeah.
Ed Cunard: It's the mark of a true karaoke professional.
Adam Wainwright: That is, we know, you know, you're dealing with professional, if that's the answer. So since you are clearly have now established, if you haven't before yourself as a karaoke professional your karaoke professional opinion, what is one song that should be struck from every karaoke playlist forever?
Jennifer Howell: This is probably controversial because a lot of people love this, but "American Pie.", I just cannot deal with it at all. It's just too long, too long.
Adam Wainwright: bye. Miss American pie.
Easy. No, that's a great answer. . 100%. Fantastic answer. Love it to death, really do. Jennifer. Like, I love that. Like you establish yourself as a karaoke professional, you told interesting story. You gave us a unique song that definitely needs to go.
loved everything about that. And now that we put you through the ringer and you've aced hit me with your best shot, you have a chance to fire away. So what one question you have for ed and I that we saw, we swear that we won't answer honestly.
Jennifer Howell: Well, you guys already brought up karaoke and romcom. So, um, that was one of my ideas for question. I want to know what is the weirdest song you have ever sung in karaoke or seen someone sang in karaoke.
Adam Wainwright: Ed, does anything pop into your head?
Ed Cunard: So many things are popping into my head. I'm trying to narrow it down.
Adam Wainwright: I'll. I will kick this off something I've done. Our method of karaoke that we've we've developed has led us down some interesting roads that we would not have traveled otherwise, we'll say. So while walking down this road, I have sung "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood. it went about as well as you can imagine it would go. But gosh started. I gave it my all, I was up there and. Try to lower the key. And there are certain Carrie Underwood songs you can do that with is not one of them just as a note for all the people out there.
So yes, I let Jesus take the wheel and I let Carrie Underwood impersonation just move the room,
Ed Cunard: I remember That night. So after Adam moved to New Jersey, uh, and I was, I was desperate to get some thrill at karaoke without him being present. I just started letting the hosts at my regular bar pick songs for me. So more than just doing a roulette, like they would put me in for songs that I had literally never. So the very first time that I heard "Work Bitch" by Brittany Spears is when I did it. And I don't think I did too bad of a job at it.
Jennifer Howell: that is amazing. Yeah. Both of those.
Adam Wainwright: Jennifer. That was a great question. We definitely hadn't heard that before and you really made us think we appreciate that. So now that you've aced hit me with shot, you had your chance to fire away. We're going to turn over our podcasts to. This is your podcast. Now talk about whatever you want, plug, whatever you want, tell people where they can find and follow you and what they can listen to.
And what do you want the people to do? The floor is yours. We're just going to go away for as long as you like.
Jennifer Howell: Sure. So if you're interested, as ed is in romantic comedies, is every romcom where at. calm.com. You can find us on apple podcasts and other podcasts sites. And we call ourselves the podcast where we have fun taking romantic comedies seriously. So we're not just giving commentary and humor.
Like it's really important to me that we research things about each movies. We can give you a little bit of a behind the scenes stuff or making up stuff or. We did like, for example, an episode on twister, where we put tornado safety facts into the episode too. So we'll research like little, you know, side pathways that have to do with the movie as well.
So if you're like a nerd like me who likes romantic comedies, I think you might have fun listening to our podcast. And we'd love to hear what you think about the podcast. If you want to email us at feedback at everyromcom dot com.
Ed Cunard: Absolutely. I mean, I do genuinely love your show because it really speaks to me on so many levels. Jennifer, thank you so much for coming on. We had a great time. We hope you had a great.
Jennifer Howell: Thank you so much for having me. It was awesome. Both of you.
Adam Wainwright: . And I'm going to say thank you one more time and leave you with the sentiment that we really hope. Singing at a screen sometime soon.
Thanks and credits
Adam Wainwright: Hey you. Yeah, you I'm talking to you. You handsome so and so. Thank you for listening to our little slice of podcast heaven here. And if you really, really loved what you heard, we invite you -- yes, you-- to leave a review at your favorite podcast site. Just put some stars next to it.
Click, click, click. It takes like two seconds. Click leave some stars. Send us an email sungpoorly@gmail.com that's the spot. Visit us at sungpoorly.com. Get your merchandise. We're going to be trying to add some new stuff as it comes up to, you know, we'd get a little design action going in there, but the stuff that's there, it's great swing by grab your stuff today.
Don't be the last person on your block to own a Sung Poorly t-shirt, right, Ed,?
Ed Cunard: Absolutely. And if there's somebody that you want to see model that it might be Ben Dumm, our rockstar friend, who has provided us with our theme song for the show "Gasoline." Make sure that you check out his latest project, the Ben Dumm 3 on the music platform of your choice, or, you know, any of his older stuff: the Marauders, Ben Dumm & the Deviants. That man makes a ton of music.
Adam Wainwright: Do you think we'll have to pay Ben Dumm to wear our t-shirt or do you think he do it willingly? We're already using his song. I feel like if he's going to wear a t-shirt, we're going to have to pay him
Ed Cunard: at the very least, I'm sure he'd wear it on laundry day.
Adam Wainwright: Laundry day. If you see Ben Dumm on laundry day, he's going to be in a "Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)" t-shirt you heard it here first. Ed's like, we can't make that guarantee. Don't say that. Don't say that. Don't say that. I feel you, Ed, but I'm going to say it anyway. And guess what, everybody, we will be back in two weeks with more of that sweet, sweet karaoke content you come here for, but that's it. That's all there is no more. So until next time, I'm Adam Wainwright.
Ed Cunard: I'm Ed Cunard.
Adam Wainwright: And remember that singing off key is still technically singing.

Jennifer Howell
Jennifer Howell is the host, producer and editor of Every Rom Com, the podcast that has fun taking romantic comedies seriously. When she’s not podcasting, Jennifer works as a page at the Madison Public Library, spends time with her husband and cat, and tries to figure out the perfect ending for her horror screenplay.
Jennifer spent time as a karaoke nerd at the Ambassador in Portland, Oregon, before moving to Busan and Gyeongju, South Korea to teach English from 2009-2016. Her favorite karaoke songs include “Don’t Stop Me Now”, “Wannabe”, “Bette Davis Eyes”, “Dancing in the Dark” and her special party trick of singing Disney’s “Colors of the Wind” in German.