Tabitha Bowman

Tabitha Bowman Profile Photo


Tabitha Ashley is a singer/songwriter residing in Pittsburgh, PA. She lives with her husband, three children, and two dogs. Tabitha considers her music to be mostly symphonic hard rock. She writes most of her songs late at night when the distractions of everyday life aren’t so intrusive. She loves the quiet time, and it brings her peace when she can bring her inner most thoughts and emotions to paper.

She has always been storyteller. Since high school, she would write notebooks full of songs, poetry, and stories. Many of those things stayed hidden from the world until 2018, when she wrote her first book. She found so much joy in writing again that she also took the liberty to start writing and publishing her own music too. She is relatively new to the modern music world, but she has performed with many local bands over the years and other local musical shows as well.

Tabitha also works as a photographer and has owned her own studio for 15 years. In addition to serving clients at her local business, she enjoys writing/illustrating children’s books and exhibiting in art shows in her spare time.

March 23, 2022

The Real Karaoke Is the Friends We Made Along the Way

You know, doing this podcast has been a journey for Adam and Ed. Or, rather, it's been a step on their own personal karaoke journeys, and that's what this episode is all about. Even the Karaoke Trivia Bullpen focuses on journeys (and, for one question, at least, the band Journey). They relive some …