Bobby Hedglin-Taylor

Bobby Hedglin-Taylor Profile Photo


Looking to #BeAguest on your podcast!
A little about me: I'm Bobby Hedglin-Taylor, a circus and aerial designer who has worked on and off Broadway, in summer stock and regional theater as well as rock concerts and cruise ships, and I've just published my first book!
My book is a tribute to my late mother called #ShitMyMamaSays-a humorous look at life while dealing with dementia. Now available on Amazon.
In a recent podcast interview the host called me the "multi-hyphenated artist". Indeed I am! I thought, “I’m going to use that!”. I’ve been a professional Trapeze artist, actor, dancer, singer, standup comic and those are only a few of those hyphens! Now adding author to my extended list!

About #ShitMyMamSays:
After his mother showed signs of dementia, Bobby had to take on the gut wrenching task of moving his mother into a nursing home. She was a spitfire with a mouth like a truck driver. To deal with the emotion and guilt Bobby took his mom's pithy sayings and shared them on social media. Sharing with the Hashtag #ShitMyMamaSays. This became a humorous way to deal with the stress and connect with others who have traveled the same path. After losing his mother at the beginning of the pandemic and suffering with Covid-19 himself Bobby Hedglin-Taylor began to write and in the 16 months of quarantine wrote two books to memorialize her amazing sense of humor. Bobby hopes that you will enjoy the first installment having his mother coming to life through these quotes and her incredible spirit.
#ShitMyMamaSays- A humorous look at life while dealing with dementia.
In loving memory of my Mom, Mary Lou. Available now on Amazon!

Recent reviews:

Bruce Vilanch-Comedy writer, actor-"Bobby's mother can give the dowager duchess -- you know, the one Maggie Smith plays on Downton Abbey -- a run for her money in the s**t people say department, and she doesn't have to dress up in hats, veils, cloaks, corsets and bodices to say it and i'll bet she can wield a fish fork just as deadly as Maggie.”

DAN GOGGIN, Creator of the "Nunsense" Musicals- “Bobby's book about his Mom is truly hilarious. Sometimes the best way to get through tough times is to laugh. And this book will surely make you giggle past the sad reality. Anyone with a parent or friend suffering with dementia should read this book."  

Celebrity biographer Mark Bego-"It is an amusing look at a life well-lived.”

Other reviews from Amazon:
“Heartwarming and genuinely laugh out loud funny”,
"laughter through tears is my favorite emotion”
“ you’ll cry laughing“
“A hilarious glimpse into how important humor is in our lives”,
“This fantastic woman is like Sophia Petrillo on steroids”
“ always listen to what your mama says”
"Laugh out loud reading",
"laughter is medicine"
"needed comic relief for everyone”

I’m also writing a 2nd book. Coming soon! Not only inspired by my mother but it's a cookbook inspired by my entire extended Italian-American family!

Escape to Ravioli Mountain- a memoir in food.
Recipes and amusing anecdotes from growing up in a dysfunctional Italian family on a mountaintop in rural Pennsylvania.

All this and I can cook too!  
Find me on social media:
Facebook-Escape to Ravioli Mountain
join my mailing list -
Instagram and TikTok @BobbyHedglinTaylor @EscapeToRavioliMountain
Twitter- @YwalkWhenUcnFly

April 20, 2022

Finding Your Karaoke Voice (or Voices) with Comedian and Impressionist Bobby Hedglin-Taylor

Karaoke is all about singing, right? That should be obvious, but what's a little less obvious is finding your voice. Do you sing like yourself, in your natural voice? Do you try to imitate the original artist? Ed makes the b...