
Oct. 19, 2022

Like Ursula for Good: Vocal Health and Karaoke Singing Tips with Vocal Coach Katherine Werbiansky from Voice Revolution

Today, the show might as well be called “The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Slightly Better Than Before),” which is far less catchy, but it captures the theme: it’s all about taking care of your vocal instrument and sounding better...
Oct. 5, 2022

We Have a Karaoke Podcast: Karaoke Personas and Branding with Vinnie Potestivo from "I Have a Podcast"

In their 1978 song “Who Are You,” The Who asked “who are you? Who, who, who, who,” and in this episode, Adam and Ed ask the same question: who are you… at karaoke? Are you the same person on and off stage? Do you change who y...
Sept. 7, 2022

Kind of Creative, But Mainly Just a Mess: Answering the question "is karaoke punk?" with Johnny Marriott of Pet Needs

While their tastes in punk rock are a little different, punk is a genre that Adam and Ed both adore. This week, The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) tackles a weighty question: is karaoke, in a way, kind of punk? The Karaoke ...
Aug. 24, 2022

That Struts and Frets Their Hour Upon the Stage: Live Band Karaoke with Tom Medvitz of Lead Singer Wanted

Listen. There’s really nothing Adam and Ed love more than karaoke–that should be obvious nearly two years into this podcast. But as much as they love regular karaoke, they recognize that there’s something special about one of...
Aug. 10, 2022

The Games Karaoke People Play: Adding Fun to Karaoke, Work, and Life with Mike Montague

If there’s one thing folks lose over time–even in a pursuit as wild and zany as karaoke–it’s the fun, the joie de vivre that makes everything that much better. While Adam and Ed have always tried to carpe de karaoke and make ...
July 27, 2022

Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Karaoke Singers: The Villains of Karaoke with Tiana Hennings (Next Door Villain)

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows at “The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)” this episode, just like it isn’t all raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens at your average karaoke night. No, sometimes villainy creeps in, and...
July 13, 2022

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Karaoke People: Talking with Brenden Kumarasamy on how karaoke can improve your public speaking skills

If there’s one thing that podcasting lacks, it’s people giving you lists of ways to improve something in your life. Since Adam and Ed noticed this – this absolute dearth of self-improvement out there in the podcast-o-sphere –...
June 29, 2022

Is There Any Better or Equal Hope in the Karaoke World?: Karaoke in Fictional Settings with Brad Williams ("Once Upon a Wasteland")

Before anything else, this episode starts with a pre-roll on the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. For more information on what a staggering amount of the podcast community is doing, please visit podvoices.help , and f...
June 15, 2022

Life, Love, and the (Karaoke) Blues: Deceptive Lyrics, Murder Ballads, and Women in Music and Karaoke with Courtney E. Smith

What’s creepier than being misunderstood? Adam and Ed kick off with a “women of the blues” Karaoke Trivia Bullpen challenge before diving into the karaoke songs that are often sung without really contemplating the meaning beh...
June 1, 2022

Pride at Karaoke, and Finding Your *New* Karaoke Voice After Two Years on Testosterone

June’s a lot of things, but the first thing it is here at The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) is Pride month. We’re kicking things off with announcing three new pieces of merch (all proceeds from which will go to The Trevor ...
May 17, 2022

Let's Get Weird with Karaoke

This week, The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) gets… weird (weirder?). After a Weird Al themed trivia challenge that ends up turning into a sing-a-long a few times, Adam and Ed get into what’s weird at karaoke (already a fun...
May 4, 2022

Hip Hop at Karaoke: The Don't, the Do, and the Deuces

Let's be honest--when it comes to talking about hip hop, you probably don't want to hear two middle-aged white guys wax philosophical about it. Hell, neither do your hosts Adam and Ed. But when it comes to talking about hip h...
Guest: Young Deuces
April 20, 2022

Finding Your Karaoke Voice (or Voices) with Comedian and Impressionist Bobby Hedglin-Taylor

Karaoke is all about singing, right? That should be obvious, but what's a little less obvious is finding your voice. Do you sing like yourself, in your natural voice? Do you try to imitate the original artist? Ed makes the b...
April 6, 2022

A Cool Thing About Karaoke: Taking Risks with Good People

In the movie BLOOD IN, BLOOD OUT, one of the characters says “life’s a risk, carnal.” Life is absolutely a risk–and so is karaoke. After this episode's Karaoke Trivia Bullpen challenge, Adam and Ed talk about the risks and re...
Guest: Joey Held
April 1, 2022

The Endless Knot of Karaoke. Sort of.

Hey, look at us, posting on a Friday! Today, we’re the podcast that takes etymology *exactly* as seriously as it should be taken. Well, we don't, but The Endless Knot (alliterative.net) does–it’s April Fool’s Day, and Operati...
March 23, 2022

The Real Karaoke Is the Friends We Made Along the Way

You know, doing this podcast has been a journey for Adam and Ed. Or, rather, it's been a step on their own personal karaoke journeys, and that's what this episode is all about. Even the Karaoke Trivia Bullpen focuses on journeys (and, for one question, at least, the band Journey). They relive some …
March 9, 2022

Oh, the Places You'll Go (and Drink, and Sing)

This week on "The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)," Adam and Ed reminisce about some fantastic karaoke regions--from Japan and the Phillipines, to New York City, Portland Oregan, Florida and, of course, western Pennsylvania,...
Feb. 23, 2022

Drink Water. Express Your Feelings. Sing Karaoke.

This week, Adam and Ed get a little serious–they talk about all things health and wellness, and how they relate to karaoke. Even the Karaoke Trivia Bullpen focuses on it, as Adam quizzes the notoriously morose Ed on songs abo...
Guest: Angel Shamsa
Feb. 9, 2022

The Second the Singalong Starts It'll Be Sensational: Cover Songs, Karaoke, and... Frank Turner?

Disclaimer: there is no actual singalong, but Adam and Ed do interview Frank Turner, the musician and songwriter responsible for that line from his song “The Gathering,” part of his ninth album F.T.H.C. releasing 11 February ...
Jan. 19, 2022

Looking Back, Looking Forward, and Looking Moderately Good Doing It (Bonus)

This week, The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) finishes up its look back on its inaugural season, including the final four quickfire rounds. In these fifty-nine minutes, you'll hear from: Terry and Naomi Clark (owners of Bla...
Jan. 12, 2022

From Broadway, to Japan, to Seattle... and some Adele on the way (Bonus)

This is the second of the season-ender clip shows, bringing back some of listener's favorite "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" quickfire rounds and, as a treat, Adam singing some Adele. In this episode, you'll hear again from: Epi...
Jan. 5, 2022

We Asked, They Answered... Ten Times Over (Bonus)

Between the holidays and, er, an infection of the... novel variety, we've been pushed back from doing interviews and scheduled episodes. To absolutely and blatantly misquote Rakim, "it's been a long time, we shouldn't have le...
Dec. 15, 2021

These People, These Karaoke Monsters

It’s all about fandom this week: how Adam and Ed are karaoke nerds, and how they are nerds in other ways as well. Adam claims to not be a comics nerd–will he pass the “Challenge of the Nerdy Songs?” They share the nerdiest ka...
Dec. 1, 2021

Episode 19 - Karaoke Archaeology

This week, The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly) looks back at history through another music trivia challenge, and then dives headfirst into the history of karaoke, the thing that unites Adam and Ed in holy bromance-trimony de...