Episode 13 - Home Is Where the Friday Night Karaoke Is

Back in Episode 4, Ed and Adam talked a bit about online karaoke, and what it was missing for them. In this episode, they cover events from the past week in their lives, like "what rhymes with Ivermectin?" and poetry and, well, other things. But then! Then get right into the important stuff: how one of karaoke's big selling points is the communities it fosters. Ed stumbled across an online group that brings that feeling back, and brings it back hard: Friday Night Karaoke (https://www.facebook.com/groups/fridaynightkaraoke). It's not surprising that such a great group (and, later, a great podcast) sprung from the minds of two great guys--Mike Wiston and Joe Rubin--who tell us about how it all got started way back when, and then grace us with a duet hearkening back to last episode's them. Guests: Mike Wiston, Joe Rubin. Theme song: "Gasoline" by Ben Dumm and the Deviants. Background barking provided by Woodford.