I truly believe anyone can write--these folks, though? They've made something with their writing--authors, storytellers, journalists, this category is for you.
In the movie BLOOD IN, BLOOD OUT, one of the characters says “life’s a risk, carnal.” Life is absolutely a risk–and so is karaoke. After this episode's Karaoke Trivia Bullpen challenge, Adam and Ed talk about the risks and re...
Disclaimer: there is no actual singalong, but Adam and Ed do interview Frank Turner, the musician and songwriter responsible for that line from his song “The Gathering,” part of his ninth album F.T.H.C. releasing 11 February ...
Breakout your JNCO jeans and your... um... whatever people wore in the 2000s. This week, Adam and Ed get nostalgic for the '90s and 2000s. The music, the karaoke... ok, they don't really remember karaoke in the '90s and early...
This week on TGSESP, we take a deep dive into the world of storytelling and how it applies to karaoke. While Ed and I clearly have stories for days, we thought it best to consult an expert so we were delighted to have Mara Wi...