We now live in the future! Karaoke everywhere! In your car, in your house--it's an online world, and these folks sing in it.
Front-facing karaoke can't happen without one important person: the KJ. They've got the equipment and the songs to make you sound good (or, at least, better than you do normally).
The lifeblood of the karaoke community. Whether at a bar, a private room, or online, there's no karaoke if there's no one to sing karaoke.
These folks get on stages for a reason other than singing--they make folks laugh. But, obviously, they've been on a karaoke stage or eleven, or they wouldn't be appearing on this podcast.
I truly believe anyone can write--these folks, though? They've made something with their writing--authors, storytellers, journalists, this category is for you.
We're all musicians in our own right. I mean, karaoke is music, right? But these people put their own music out for the world to hear--perhaps it'll even be heard in a karaoke night in the near future.
One of the most common places to find karaoke in the USA. The place where accountants can be rock stars, comptrollers can be divas, and nurses can be rap gods--if only for a few minutes.
From quiet date nights to small parties--when you want your karaoke private and exclusive, this is the way to do it, and these folks know that. A dominant form of karaoke in Asia, this is a great way to keep your friends close and your karaoke closer.
These guests love karaoke so much, they've gone as far as to own a place where people come to do karaoke.